Chapter IX: Changing Currents

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 ~At Shiryu Castle in Fubukiopolis, Akira~

"I'm here on behalf of Father, Lady Shiryu. He would like to know if you are feeling any better and if your wounds have healed well or not", Akiro asked Miss Kanu as she turned to look at us.

"That's really sweet of Akiro-san. I wasn't expecting him to send his children though...", she replied as she looked at both of us with quick glances. Her right shoulder was still in a sling, her lip was healing from being busted, and her left foot was in a protective boot. "I was wondering if everything was going good in Mobotopolis. Anything out of the ordinary going on over there?"

"No ma'am! Everything is perfectly fine! There is nothing to worry about!", I said, very unconvincingly.

"Really now? Not too long ago, I got a letter from an unknown part of the Isshin Region from Dixie and her little pet Banjo. It sounds everything is NOT okay. What happened to my daughter and I want the truth."

"Alright, we'll tell you what we know. Akira, please explain?"

"Why me? Okay, well some mysterious people appeared in the capitol city that looked like the two of them and started causing trouble; they killed some innocent people and fought with Dixie and Banjo. Unfortunately, the both of them were defeated and captured by the military. They're currently being held on Lockdown Alley, but Miles and Yamanako have already headed there to free them."

Lady Kanu spun around in her chair as she heard my explanation; she twirled the bangs that covered her left eye as a twinkle flickered in her eye. She was, as expected of the great Lady Kanu Shiryu, plotting some way to get to her daughter before anything else happened to her. She finally rose out of her chair and motioned for us to follow her. She grabbed her crutch and gingerly walked out of the main chamber and headed for the chamber of her sister Ryubi.

"Oh hello Kanu-sama! Ah, it seems that Lord Akiro-san's children have come to visit us today. What is the special occasion?", she asked us as she gave off a warm, motherly feeling; I felt so safe just being around her.

"I hate to ask this of you sister, but do you mind continuing to do my duties a little longer?", Lady Kanu asked with a serious look on her face.

"It's no problem at all, but is something wrong onichan? You have a very serious look going on there... could something have happened to Dixie again?"

"I'm afraid so. The Onikawan military has arrested her on mistaken identity charges and has locked her and banjo up on Lockdown Alley. I'm going to go and rescue them both before anything really bad happens to them."

"Who could be running around pretending to be the both of them...? And onichan, you are in no condition to do anything like this! You should go back into your room and rest!"

"I can't. I'm taking these kids with me as reinforcements. As least I have the 6st Phase with me to protect me, isn't that right little Akira?"

"Ah! Umm, yes ma'am! I will do my very best to make sure no harm comes unto you! And Akiro will help me in this mission!"

"Excellent, tell Chouhi and Choun to stay on high alert in case any threats try to attack while I am away. I am not sure when I will return, so don't stay up waiting on my return", Kanu said as we left the room. We walked outside and flew into the sky as we headed straight for Lockdown Alley.

~Aboard the Space Colony Sigma, Akitoki~

"My goodness, I don't think this place has been active for over a half century; everything here is all dark, dusty, and deactivated! Doesn't anyone know how to leave shit running around here?!?", Hana said in her usual tone of voice when she sees something she doesn't understand: shrill and annoying.

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