Chapter 1

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Name-Camber Ebony
Age- 16
Likes- Ramen, cussing, dark colors, candy.
Dislikes- When Halyn's being a smartass, not having her monster
Appearance-Black hair long hair. The only reason it is black is because Halyn dyed it while she was asleep , dark blue eyes like the ocean and pale skin like paper due to the fact that she never goes out side and makes Halyn get monsters all the time . Wears white, black, and grey skinny jeans with different types of black hoodies. No one except Halyn knows what kind of shirts she wears but if you took a look in her closet you may see what's inside.
Name-Halyn Ebony
Age- 15 (almost 16)
Likes- annoying Camber, programing computers, video games, black and white, candy and honey.
Dislikes- her eyes, when Camber is yelling at her, going outside, or forced to go outside
Appearance- light shade of greenish yellow eyes , a little taller than Camber, wears a black and yellow striped hoodie and black pants with black combat boots with black and white checkered laces. Naturally pale skin and red lips with short choppy black hair. The reason its choppy is because Camber cut it to get back at Halyn for dying her hair black

(HAI GUYS I'd just like to say that me and my friend are making this and I want you to guess who their gonna end up with >:3 so many possibilitys)

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