Chapter 10

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Camber woke up a little while later, looking around for Karkat. She couldn't seem to find him, so she got worried. Tavros wasn't there either. Camber hated being home alone, being scared of someone breaking in. She was extremly parinod, checking every window then closing them, relocking the door, hiding in her bed.

Camber finally came out of her room, everything being dark. She was trembling so badly, afraid of what was around the corner. She screamed when a car drove by, hiding in the corner of the room, her small body trembling with fear. Deep fear, that no one could ever understand.

It became eerily quiet, then the breakdown of her door. She screamed as people ran upstairs, trembling softly in the corner. Her eyes were wide with fear as people when through her things, kicking it over and ruining her stuff.

Before she knew it one of the men were beside her with a gun to her head.

Camber let tears roll down her face. She was dead before even having to be shot, it felt like. She knew she was going to be killed, now.

Something crashed through a window, shattering glass that stabbed into her skin gently. She couldn't pay attention. Suddenly the man threw Camber on the ground, kicking her and beating her, saying something. Camber couldn't tell, everything was so blurry.

Before she knew it, Camber fell unconscious.


Later on, everyone was home. At least she thought so. Karkat was laying near her, sleeping. "Karkat?" She asked, not trying to get up. Karkats body jolted up, tending to her.

"Your an idiot, getting me worried by being asleep for pretty much a week. You got a concussion for when he kicked you."

Camber wasn't paying attention much. Karkat sat down, and up in his lap.

Suddenly she broke into sobs.

Karkat rubbed her back. "Your an idiot. I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you again."

She heard the last part, but passed out once more.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2014 ⏰

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