chapter 9

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When Hayln woke up about a half hour later she rolled off of the bed and hit her head onto the floor.

"Fuck... Fuck ...oww..." She groans as she crawled to the door and opened the door as she stood up, scratching her head and ruffled her messy hair.

Hayln walked through the hallway, her feet making a light sound of 'pat pat pat.' She yawned as she walked into the living room before plopping onto the couch onto a squishy pile of horns causing them to go off "HOOONNNKKKKKKKK!!"

"HOLY SHIT" she yelled as she fell off of the couch and hit her head on the floor "it's to early for this shit." Mumbled as she geared footsteps.

"DiD yOu AlLuP aNd MoThEr FuCkIn FaLl OnTo My HoRnS MoThEr FuCkIn SiS?" The juggalo said in a way you knew that he was smiling when he said that.

"The fuck do you think smartass " Hayln growled softly as she looked up at gamzee "oh..heyyy." She said as she rubbed the red mark on her head "uh.. Sorry if I woke you." She apologized and stood up, feeling really short compared to Gamzee.

"ItS fInE sIs." he said with the dopy smile he always had. "i WaS GoInNa lOoK aRoUnD, WaNnA cOmE wItH Us?"

Hayln thought about the offer and bit her lip. 'No one knows that trolls are actually real... maybe if I get into one of my cosplays it might seem like they are cosplaying too.' she thought to herself "sure." she said softly. She got up "ill be right back." She said softly and walked to her room, looking for one of her costumes. She then got out a bee onesie and combed her hair to where it was in her face and put in a pair of red and blue contacts . She put some yellow rain boots on and then walked out, looking like a human version of Mituna.

"Lets go!" she smiled as she grabbed her keys and leads the two male trolls out to her car.

"WoAh WhAt ThE mOtHeR fUcK iS tHaT?" gamzee asked.

"Uh... It's a car." She said as she opened the door "four wheeled device ."

"Oh WeLl WhAt Do We Do WiTh It?"

"We get in. And I take us somewhere ."

"OhHhHhHh OkAy." He said as he opened the door and got in.

Hayln started the car and started to drive to the mall.

When they got there and got inside gamzee just walked off, getting lost. Hayln freaked out and found him eventually and decided that she should hold his hand so she wouldn't loose him

"dont do that ok." she said as she looked at Gamzee.

"oK sIs." Gamzee said with a dumb smile.

Hayln looked at Gamzee and saw that he was starting to look more… human.

"gamz, you ok?" she asked softly.

"yEaH iM fInE " Gamzee smiled

Hayln just nodded and led him into the mall.

After a while her and Gamzee headed home and then got inside. She was smiling, and so was Gamzee. She was holding a bag of stuff that she bought for Gamzee and a few other things.

"HeY tHaNkS sIs. " Gamzee smiled as he kissed her cheek

Hayln blushed as this was done and smiled slightly "Your welcome gamz."



Hayln looked at where the coughing was coming from and saw a somewhat jealous Sollux in the door way, or at least you think its Sollux. Its to hard to tell he looked like him, had same glasses same shirt but he was human.

The now apparently human sollux walked into the kitchen and out to the back yard with a slam of the back door.

"Uh oh..." Hayln thought out loud

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