chapter 6

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Hayln took her ear buds out and stretched as she looked up from her screen and got up and changed into a simple tank top and pj pants. She walked out of her room as she heard honks coming from a room and voices coming from every room that was filled. She sighs and walks out of her room leaving the door open and walking to the back porch and sits there. She looks up at the sky and sighs, laying down. Looking at the clear sky the girl felt entranced in the beauty of the stars.

As Hayln continued to gaze at the stars Sollux came out side not knowing that she was out there at the time. He looked at Hayln and smirked as he quietly crept up behind her and bending down and smirks  "well hey there ii never caught your name" Sollux said looking at the girl. She jumped as she heard him and looked up at him blushing. "I-Im Hayln" she stammered and sat up looking at sollux.

As Hayln was doing this she noticed that his skin was looking a little less grey and his horns looked like they weren't even there. Sollux looked almost... human. She slightly shook her head and looked back at the sky "The sky looks really pretty" she said softly, her lisp still remaining. Sollux slightly nodded as he sat down and looked up at the sky and pushed up his bicolored glasses.

"you feeliing ok? iit2 2orta cold out here." Sollux said looking at Hayln. she shrugs and looked back "I feel fine" she said softly before a sudden wind blew. The short haired girl tried not to shiver but failed to do so. Sollux sighs softly and takes off his sweat shirt that he found in the room and put it around Hayln's shoulders. Hayln blushed and gripped the jacket "thanks sol.." she said softly as the troll smiled slightly, showing his now what are becoming human teeth. "no problem" he said softly and put his arm around her, a small blush spreading across his cheeks.

When it started to get unbearably cold out there and Hayln felt a bad that she had taken Sollux's jacket she stood up and held her hand out to help him up. Sollux looked up at the girl and takes her hand with a blush spreading across his cheeks slightly. Hayln smiled and leads him inside. "uh.. thanks for giving me your jacket " she said softly as she took it off and handed it to him. "Yeah iit2 no  'problem Hy" he said slightly smiling.

Hayln looks at the clock and it reads 12:20,'damn time goes by fast' she thought to herself "we should go to bed" she said softly and leads Sollux  to her room. "uh.. I can sleep on the daybed if you'd like the bed..." she said softly. Sollux shook his head "we could 2hare the bed" he smirked with a wink, teasing a bit "c'mon iit wont hurt anyone iif we diid" he said. Hayln blushed and got a sweatshirt out of her closet and put it over her tank top "fine whatever" she said as she got into bed. Sollux slightly smiled and took off his shirt getting into bed and under the covers. Hayln watched as Sollux did this and blushed deeply, she then turned so she wasn't facing him and Sollux so he wasn't facing her.

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