Prologue: Fact File & Teaser

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They lost everything...

The World's Most Wanted are now imprisoned and their marked man is on the loose, but what are they to do now that they're in yet another risky situation?

The World's Most Wanted are now imprisoned and their marked man is on the loose, but what are they to do now that they're in yet another risky situation?

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Name: Mark Edward Fischbach
DOB/Age: June 28th, 1989 (aged 27)
Height: 1.78m (5'10)
Nationality: American
Known As: The Muscle.
Best At: Fighting.

Name: Seán William McloughlinDOB/Age: February 7th, 1990 (aged 26)Height: 1

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Name: Seán William Mcloughlin
DOB/Age: February 7th, 1990 (aged 26)
Height: 1.75m (5'9)
Nationality: Irish
Known As: The Distraction.
Best At: Thinking up ideas.

Name: Felix Arvid Ulf KjellbergDOB/Age: October 24th, 1989 (aged 27) Height: 1

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Name: Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg
DOB/Age: October 24th, 1989 (aged 27)
Height: 1.8m (5'10/5'11)
Nationality: Swedish
Known As: The Leader.
Best At: Making decisions.


Join the crazed trio as they go on an insightful mission for vengeance. This is no longer a game, as when Mark, Seán and Felix get out, the marked man will have nowhere to hide.


The World's Most Wanted 2: The Marked Man Where stories live. Discover now