Chapter 8: Three's Company

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Chapter 8: Three's Company


All three of them slipped on thick body armor made of kevlar under their shirts, each of them putting on two bandoliers crossed around their shoulders to carry the many gun magazines, grenades, and melee weapons.

Then they loaded their primary assault rifles with customized, extended magazines, each with a hundred bullets, for easy reloading. The men were armed to the bone, carrying various weapons, from close proximity melee weapons, frag grenades, sticky bombs, to high caliber assault rifles.

The group entered Aaron's garage where vans were parked inside, all of them used as an escape vehicle in their previous rampages when they were working together back then. They picked a random van, a grey one, and loaded their stuff inside, loading as fast as they could.

"One last time, boys." Mark spoke up, getting the other two's attention.

"One last showdown with the fucker that screwed us over." Seán replied, a smirk on his face, "We're gonna have some fun with him."

"Alright, men. Let's move." Felix said. The three men hopped into the van to drive to the location to carry out their plan, racing against time before the police could catch up to them.


Loud blaring of sirens emanated in the busy midday streets of Los Angeles as countless police cars zoomed past cars and pedestrians. Everyone stopped in their tracks seeing that the number of responding vehicles were greater compared to any other regular day. Soon after, large black SWAT vans were tailing the policemen.

Some assumed that a high government official was in town, but it was something else. In their communication radios, only one voice was heard, they were only guided by one commissioner,

"Kjellberg, McLoughlin, and Fischbach have been found, they are in the sewers." The man's voice spoke, "Block the exits, ready your weapons. They are armed and dangerous, shoot to kill. They are in a grey van driving in the sewers, 6JNE21995."

"Copy that, commissioner, we're already on our way, all exits have been blocked, the team's going in." A SWAT officer replied, their vehicle driving in front of a barricade made from two similar vans.

"All units at the entrance ready?" The commissioner asked.

"Affirmative, sir." An officer replied. It was then followed by the same reply from all over the city.

The entire city has been placed under lockdown, all police forces has been called to respond to one of the biggest sting operation to ever happen in the history of Los Angeles.

"I repeat, the three perpetrators are armed and dangerous. Approach with caution."

The roars of the engines echoed in the tunnels, with two more following closely behind the lead van, and others proceeding on foot. Beams of light coming from their guns bobbed around in the darkness, their footsteps pressing on the wet and damp floor of the tunnel.

"Their vehicle is driving in the main sewage pipe heading north," he instructed, "North sector, be ready to intercept."

"Copy that, sir, over." The driver replied, steering the van to a tunnel that led to the main sewage system, driving directly toward the criminals' getaway vehicle.


"THE POLICE ARE COMING!" Seán bellowed, one hand on an earpiece and one hand on the tuner listening to the wiretapped radio conversation by the police. "BOTH BEHIND AND UP FRONT!"

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