Chapter 5: The Calm Before The Storm

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Chapter 5: The Calm Before The Storm

Seán Mcloughlin

We listened to the sounds of police sirens and helicopters up top searching the place, unbeknownst to them that we had just pulled off one of the most successful escape in history.

We were in total darkness, with the only light coming from the small holes on the manhole cover. The smell of raw sewage immediately came to our noses as we climbed down the ladder leading deeper into the sewers.

Not long, we found ourselves in knee deep waste. "Everyone alright?" I whispered.

"Yeah." Mark replied, bending a small green glow stick to illuminate the path.

I winced at the sudden light and so did Felix. "We did it. We fucking did it."

"But we're far from over, we have to go to Los Angeles—pay old friends a visit." Felix mumbled, anger and excitement in his tone.

"C'mon, let's get far away from here as possible before the police start suspecting again." Mark cut in, leading the way through the dark and damp corridors.


We had been walking for hours, heading west, away from the search radius navigating through the maze-like structure of the sewers underneath the city of New Jersey.

At the end of the tunnel was an exit, leading back to the outside world. With no knowledge and bearing of where we were, we decided to just go for it and hope for the best that we had finally evaded the cops.

Upon stepping outside, the cold morning air brushed against my face giving me goosebumps. It was quiet save for the few cars driving on the road up nearby. The sunlight got into our eyes as it lit the sky in an orange hue. It was the wee hours in the morning.

I took a deep breath of fresh air, it was the first time in three months we had breathed air from the outside world. It was the exhilarating feeling of being free that kept excitement pumping through my mind.

"Thank God." Felix sighed, calming down from his nervousness.

"Let's go." Mark whispered, crouching while climbing up a sloped grassy surface leading up a road. It was a suburban area of the city, far away from the bustling streets we had previously been on.

Just across the road was a middle-class style house that had two stories. It looked peaceful given that it was on the less busy parts of New Jersey.

It's perfect.

"It's gonna have to do." Felix walked ahead of Mark, brushing sweat off of his thick beard clutching his carbine rifle tightly as he looked left and right to check if the coast was real. He motioned for us to follow him.

We quickly ran across the road and to the front yard of the house, going around the back in a single file still crouched. Treading the side of the structure, we listened for sounds inside.

Nothing. Not a single barking of a guard dog. It's either no one was home or they're still sound asleep.

Felix took out a small knife he had fashioned from his steel bed back at the prison and carefully slipped it through the bottom crack of the window, jiggling it towards the middle where the lock was. With little effort, he was able to unlock it by sawing through the screws that fastened the entire lock on the window frame.

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