Train bonding!

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You looked outside from the window, you just watched the rain fall. You got startled from the feeling of someone sitting next to you on the train. You quickly turned around to see who. It was some guy with green hair, wearing some black and red clothing. He glanced at you for a second, but then looked back. "Uh, I hope you don't mind I sit here, it was just the fastest seat I could find." He said quickly so he wouldn't have to go threw the efforts of talking anymore. "I-it's fine." You replied back, looking outside again.

After awhile, you were still on the train, with that guy, almost everyone else left the train already, there was just 4 people from what you counted, counting you and that guy as well in it. Two girls on the other side, one with purple? Hair, and a stipe shirt, and some coat thing on I believe. And the other one with brown hair, a shirt with stripes with light tan sleeves with three light brown stripes at the top middle and end of the sleeve. (Haha, guess who? No, well, if it isn't Ame and Oni Laddies, the one and only.) You looked at them, seeing what they were doing, it looked like fun, just talking, having a conversation, and I think talking about a book of some stupid "x reader" from what you could catch in the conversation. You kinda giggled.

The guy sitting next to you noticed it to. "Uh, Hello, I'm (Y/n)" you finally said, catching his attention. "Um, Hi. My name is Ted." He said. Then it just became an awkward looking at each other for awhile. "So where are you off to?" Ted asked, breaking the awkwardness. "Well, I'm on my way to this one place, I'm might be moving to, i don't have much with me at the moment, but yeah. My mom is having me come up there so I could look at it. But it's kinda far." You replied, "So what about you?". He looked around for a little. "Just heading home.". You nodded a little, giving him an "Okay cool" reply.

Finally what felt like forever on the train, the sun almost set all the way, and you finally got to your stop. You got up, but Ted did to. You shook it off. "Maybe he lives here." You thought. You both exit the train. Once you both left the train station, Ted stopped you. "Um, (Y/n), your going to maybe live here?" He asked. "Uh, yeah, why." You asked. "Oh, nothing, do you have a place to stay though, I mean, it is turning dark." Ted said pointing to the dim sky. "Well, I was planning on staying in a motel until the morning, then maybe hang out around here until around 5-6 pm. That's my plan." You smiled. "O-oh, okay." He said. "Why?" You asked, getting curious. "Well. I know we don't know each other well, but maybe you can stay over at my place until morning possibly?" He shrugged. "But, you already have a plan and stuff, so I guess I won't ruin it."

You looked at him "Uh, I mean, well this escalated quickly. Um, well it would be fun to know you and stuff, maybe we can hangout tomorrow?" You shrugged. "Uh, yeah! Okay. I don't have any Plans tomorrow." Ted smiled (Okay, funny story, when I wrote "Plan" on that one sentence, it autocorrected to Pringles. Like, What the heck! If I didn't catch that, then oh gosh the comments!) You and Ted gave each other your numbers and head off. (Yes (Y/n)! Live your dream and head to Narwhale city!... Wait, Ame, there not going to Narwhal city... Oh, well I have some things to fix then.)

Chapter by ArionicStix

Author note- Yes! What "most" of you have been asking for! Next chapter will be by Ame, so don't worry, I will try forcing her to make it fast enough because we need at LEAST 4 chapters before we be slow Melons. Anyways yeah... (Narwhale city)

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