Bonding time with Aiden

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As you got home you stretched before plopping onto your bed and checked Wattpad for anything new. "Ooo,  OniAme-chan updated one of their stories" You said out loud, not like anyone can hear you. *Exhale* Okay I need some tools and duck tape. QueenOfHyperDeath get up there to the 4th wall. If we duck tape you there, you should keep it up with your Homestuck'y ways I assume. After checking out a few stories you got hungry, it was dinner so you went downstairs to make some ramen. You had no idea how to make it so you just made instant noodles.

When you made it to the kitchen the door bell rang. You went to go answer it and it was Aiden. Aiden walked in uninvited with an angry face, and a bag. Yea, Bud. I think you're in the wrong X Reader. He sat down by the table and waited for a reaction from you. "Uh, Aiden. What are you doing here?" You asked. He looked to the side and said "Chris is having a cat meeting but his "hidden" room is currently being clean. They took up the whole house." He went on. "I would go to Ted's but... You know how he is."

He looked at you and asked "So whats for dinner." I looked over at the kitchen and had a thought. I have a guest here. We should go somewhere to eat! You looked at Aiden and asked what his favorite place is. You never spend time with Aiden, and he is Chris's brother. And Ted is Chris's friend. He shrugged and told you to choose. "How about..." I thought about the endless choices. "Cafe Rio!" You said happily. He looked outside. It was turning a little dark. "Okay, can we just order though. I'm not walking out there when its dark." He said.

You smirked. "Ted could drive us. Maybe join us?" Aiden snickered. Definition of Snickered by Google. I feel you should know this: "give a smothered or half-suppressed laugh; snigger. Or (of a horse) whinny." You choose which one you think it is. "Is it really that far?" "You never know. Besides, You said you don't want to walk out in the dark." You started to sound smart. Or at least thats what you thought. Aiden frowned. "Fine." He said. Folding his arms.

You took out your phone and Texted Ted. You never liked calls.


Hi Reader. Whats up?

Wanna go to Cafe Rio with me and Aiden! If not, we need a ride.  Aiden's complaining about the dark.

Sure. I'll be there in a sec.

Okay! Thanks!

Okay, see you soon!

You put your phone away and grabbed a jacket an wallet. "Aiden, lets wait outside!" You said. You walked outside and waited by the steps for Aiden. Cats where passing by, and the sun was setting. Making the sky kind of purple, but in a pretty way. Ted pulled up and he was waiting for us to get in. Aiden walked slowly, arms still folded. And I ran up to the front seat. Aiden finally got in and we where off. 

You all got to Cafe Rio and Ted took our orders like a waiter. He offered to go get the food, so you gave him money for your's and Aidens meals. He said he wan't going to use them but you still handed it to him. When he left you looked at the back seat. Aiden was drawing and had a light on. You tried to see what he was drawing but he kept pulling it away when he noticed you where looking. "What are you drawing?" You asked. "None of your business." He scolded at you and continued to draw. 

After while of waited Ted came back with two bags and jumped back into the car. He handed you back your money and drove off back to your place. "I told you to use my money. After all you did drive us here and got the food." You said as he was driving. "Okay whatever. Stop complaining!" Aiden said from the back seat. "Fiiinnneee." You said, making fun of Aiden. "I also got some Watermelon." Ted said. calmly, trying to stop you and Aiden from fighting. 

You looked in the bags and found no watermelon. "Where is it then?" You asked. You didn't think Cafe Rio sold Watermelon. "In the backseat with Aiden." He pointed by Aiden and there was a watermelon sitting there. Aiden looked at it and freaked out from the watermelon all of the sudden being there. 

We all got back to the house and I offered Ted to hang out with You and Aiden. He took the offer, and you all decided on a sleepover during dinner. Aiden had some games too. You all made beds in the living room. Aiden got the entire couch, leaving you and Ted on the floor. You put a movie on and fell asleep first.

Uh, Hi! Yea, can't wait to see if Ame feels like making Fluff or not for the next chapter! I hope so. If not Then no, we wont have fluff... For now.

 Also, you know what. Credit to all the pictures at the top you see in every chapter. Thank you for making those pieces of art.

Chapter by: ArionicStix

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2017 ⏰

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