Something's Wrong Here

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- "Well anyway! We should go do something while you're waiting for you're mom!!!" Chris jovially cheered. "U-uh, okay." You stuttered, I mean come on. You only met these kids today, well all but Ted and they're already buying you backpacks and being eerily stalker-ish. "Hey, Reader, you okay? I'm sorry if how fast-pasted this is going is bothering you..." Ted muttered reading your thoughts.

- You decided not to hurt the stalker-like guy's feelings. "Oh, no it's fine!" You supposed you were just being too judgemental. Just because he bought you matching backpack, his friends are saying he's obsessed with you and-- and... You shook those thoughts away. "Okay! Let's go!" Chris shouted throwing his arms in the air.

- You found yourself at Ted's house with the two younger boys. You were all just sitting on the couches in awkward silence. You looked over at the youngest boy, I wonder why he hasn't spoken... What'd Chris say his name was? Aaron? Like usual, Chris interrupted your thoughts being the loud person he was, "HEY! WE SHOULD PLAY CAT-OPOLY!!!" You looked at him with a "what even" face.

- Ted sighed, "Chris, are you trying to make Reader hate us?" You sat there confused. "What even is Cat-opoly?" You flummoxed. Chris was already holding a yellow-orange box covered in cats. "It's like Monopoly, but with cats and slight rule modifications!" He happily yelled setting the box down.
(Just for you Cakes if you decided to read this.)

- He handed a pawn to each person. He handed you a pink pawn. You didn't know whether you should've thought it was funny or infuriating that you got a pink one. After all that whole thing with watermelon-boy sitting next to you and earlier.

- Chris explained the basic rules of Monopoly and handed out some money. You decided to set an alarm on your phone so you would know when you needed to call your mother even though you were beyond positive she'd call you.

- A few hours later Aiden finally got fed up with Ted taking all of his money. He threw all of his money at him and stormed off. You had absolutely no idea how much time passed, but you had that tired what's-going-on feeling. You turned on your phone. "Wow 3 hours have passed already!" You said. Ted  was the only one there because Chris left to go console Aiden.

- "Oh." Was all he said. You didn't like being in this room alone with him. Not with all the things you've heard and experienced today. Today has been quite eventful. A lot more eventful than 24 hours of YouTube.

- "You okay Reader? You've been acting off." Ted asked. "O-oh, have I? Sorry. Today's just been eventful, that's all." You replied hurriedly. How would he even know how I normally behave. It's not like he's a childhood friend of mine or something. I only met him yesterday. You thought anxiously.

So once again, a few things. 1: This chapter sucks and I feel like it's pretty "cliché." I mean, like, not cliché but like "Dude, you've got a yandere or something-cliché." 2- I need to update the Chris X Reader, but I don't like the story so it's hard to make myself write it! I like this one so much better. It has a bit more planning behind it.
(But I know that's not fair to the people who actually like that, so I'll force myself to write more chapters...)

Chapter by Ame

Ted X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now