Baseball with Skeletons

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"So. What should we do now sense Chris and Aiden are arguing?" Ted asked you as yelling came from the room. "Uhhhh. I don't know. You chose. I suck at this. Last time i was asked what to do, someone almost died from an almond." You shrugged, giving an evil glare. Ted started thinking when Mr. Foofy came up to his foot and looked at him ALSO with an evil glare. HEY! CAT! No! Thats not in the script! "Meowf!" Grrrrr! AME GET THE HAMMER WE HAVE TO FIX THE FORTH WALL AGAIN! "Get the tape. Get the duck tape -Ame" "Stop!" Ted said getting Mr. Foofy, Who was scratching at his leg currently, off. 

"Okay. Now that thats out of the way. How about Baseball?" Ted suggested. "But there isn't enough player!" You quickly came up with. sense it was true. "There is Skeletons. Like ChuChu." Ted said. "What?" You asked. "ChuChu. And Mr. Foofy can join." Ted shrugged. "Um. Okay." You said in a questioning way. But got over it quickly cause one time you've seen a skeleton in the motel. 

"Okay, let me call ChuChu!" Ted said getting his phone out. You waited patiently and told Chris and Aiden they where going to play Baseball, and They decided to join. But be in separate teams. You all walked down to the play field. Or the park, whatever. "One of my friends is maybe here so Reader, when you leave we're going to go see them maybe!" Chris said, and it really wasn't needed. Oh snap! X Reader combo ay Oni! You all found a baseball field, where a skeleton was waiting impatiently. "Okay you guys ready to play!" Chris asked everyone. "Yeah, but we have to chose teams first." ChuChu said making gestures with his hands. "Okay well i'll be on... hmmmm, Reader and Ted's team!" Chris said pointing at them. "Fine! Then i'll team up with Mr. Foofy and ChuChu!" Aiden yelled, not trying to sound disappointed or jealous. 

"Okay Reader, take a bat! Your first to pitch." Ted said. Welp, time for some hard-core baseball.

*After some. Hard-core Baseball*

"HOW!!!" You yelled. You, Ted, and Chris lost. "Hahah! We one!" Aiden teased in a mocking tone. As ChuChu was laughing. And Mr. Foofy walked over to Chris and tried bothering him. Chris picked up Mr. Foofy. "Why you!" He cried. "Ted! Thats why you don't hold the bat like that!" You complained. "I know. I just wanted to try it though." Ted said. You looked at the time on your phone. "Oh. My mom should be here soon." You said walking over to the Watermelon Backpack. Don't you just wish, you can have a backpack that beautiful. Like, I'm going to make one if i ever get a white backpack, or Red. I like Red. "Oh. Okay, want us to walk you to the train?" Ted asked. "Nah I'm fine!" You said putting the backpack on. "Okay, when will you be back!" Chris yelled from across the field. "Uh. Maybe tomorrow...?" You yelled back. "Cool! We can play some more games then!" Chris cheered. "Okay, see you tomorrow maybe then." Ted said waving as you walked towards the train station. 

*Currently at the train station*

"Reader!" Your mom yelled running over to you from the train station. That would be weird for a mother to call their child a reader. Logic though in X reader i guess. Your mom hugged you. You kinda shook the hug off. You didn't really like hugs. "Sorry, Ah i see you bought a new backpack?" Your mother asked pointing to your backpack. "N-no, a friend got it for me." You quickly said. "Oh, who is this friend"

Okay I'm ending my part there sense i made it to the 600 words for a chapter goal. Anyways, hello, sorry for the random stuff i said in there, and maybe ruined the story for you guess, but i mean, i am the Butt-Face *Smirks* Anyways. Hello, I added ChuChu in this chapter and i have no idea how they act so i just guessed. Also if you don't know who ChuChu is then. wow, why are you here. -Oni, The forever Butt-face of the two.

Chapter by: ArionicStix

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