The Creep

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- You entered your motel room and shut the door behind you. The beds seem welcoming... You thought to yourself, plunging into the covers. You pulled your phone out of your pocket. "Hmm... Which Youtuber should I watch..." You muttered looking at the search bar.

- You woke up to sun burning your eyes. "Ah!!! Crap!!! What time is it?!?!" You shouted grabbing your phone and pressing the power button like your life depended on it. The time read 3:00am. Wait? Then what woke me up..? You thought walking to the window. When you looked out the window you saw some blonde kid looking through your window flashing a flashlight in.

- You stared in shock and suddenly found yourself angrily pounded on the window to get the stalker's attention. "Get out of my window you creep!!!" You screeched at the freak who was currently staring at you with an idiotic smile.

- He left after a minute or so and you closed the blinds. You sighed and plopped in your bed, too discomforted to go back to sleep. You decided to watch more YouTube to calm yourself since that's basically all you do with your life.

- You look up away from your video. It was already the morning, wasn't it? You looked at your phone and checked the time, which was 9:04. You sighed and forced yourself out of bed. Wow, my phone actually managed to not die yet. You thought, then decided to go get ready.

- You plugged your phone in and ran off to grab your outfit for the day. You finished getting ready because nobody wants to read about getting ready. Like that'd be the most boring and disappointing chapter in existence. You grabbed your phone off the charger and some earbuds. Well, I guess I should get going now?

- You grabbed all your stuff and put it on the bed. You weren't expecting to have to stay another night here since your mother offered to take you home after this.

- You grabbed a few things you thought you might need. Your phone, a pen, a water bottle and stuff like that and shoved it into a backpack. You needed to carry all this crap around somehow and even though you hated the backpack, it worked. You sighed and put the basically neon pink backpack on. Well, time to get going.

- You walked out of the motel. As you were leaving you glanced back at the window remembering the creep. Maybe he's still around. Waiting for the chance to-- Your thoughts were interrupted by no other than that creep standing right in front of you. You shrieked a rather girly shriek and bolted off before he could say anything. You ran behind the motel. Such an amazing hiding spot, right?

- You stood there breathing heavily. You were just calming down when he approached you again. You were going to die now, weren't you.

- I FINALLY FINISHED IT!!! *Cries tears of joy* I can't believe it... I'm SO sorry we haven't been updating... I feel so awful about it. You know, the normal excuses, school and crap. I will be trying to update more often, but how many times will I say that before I really mean it? Haha... I have serious procrastination issues. Oh well. At least I managed to do this.

Part by- Ame

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