Awkwardness Getting Intense

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Very quick note before I start, we will be putting all updates in Randoms Being Randoms! Also, we will be doing a QnA thing for 100 followers special. (See more in Randoms Being Random. )

- You had gotten moved into your new house. It was hard work, but it paid off in the end. You slept the whole day and night after that. You'd have to get a job within these next few months because your mom said she'd only pay rent for 2-3 months.

- You called up Ted because who else in this entire world would you call to help you find a decent job? Hah, definitely not any parents or older family members with a lifetime full of experiences with jobs. He arrived a few hours later because he himself had had work that day.

- "Hi Ted!" You greeted him when he entered your house. "Hey Reader."

*Yet another time-skip because boring stuff*

- You finished searching for the day. He was getting ready to go when he hesitantly said, "Hey, Reader." You looked up from your sheets of paper that you were looking at. "O-okay... this might be a little surprising but... I-I really like you." You honestly weren't surprised. He sucked at concealing it.

- "Oh." You said. Now, you had only knew him for 2-4 weeks. (Author-Chan here has no perception of time whatsoever.) You had thought about it but didn't really know what to think. Sure it hadn't been that long, but Ted, Chris and Aiden were some of the funniest friends you've ever had.

- For the sake of this book and Author-Chan's sanity, you decided to return his feelings. The whole conversation was pretty awkward. It basically went like, "Okay, cool."
"Uh, yes."

- Yeah, you sucked at being romantic. Nothing about this conversation was romantic or anything. As much as you hated to admit it, you had never been in a serious relationship for that reason.

- "Um, well. Goodnight." You said as he headed out the door. "Goodnight." He said leaving.

- Short awkward chapter for all you short awkward people. (Yeah, I'm talking about you Cakes.) It's not much, but we're struggling and somebody needed to start making stuff happen. Which won't be Oni because she's more concerned about her mer-cats and trees.

Chapter by: Ame

Ted X ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora