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- "Oh, uh, his name's Ted." You said hiding your embarrassment. "Oh, and this kid bought you a backpack because?" She asked, not making any effort to hide her curiosity. "Um... 'Cause... I dunno." You shrugged. You knew why, or at least for the most part. But you weren't going to say what you knew. Mostly because what you knew was dumb and what you thought you knew was disturbing.

- "Well, um, we need to go back to the motel so I can grab the rest of my stuff. I didn't want to haul it all around with me all day." You said, seeing the motel in the distance, glad you saw it because you would've forgotten your stuff. "Oh, okay." She pulled into the motel. "Make it quick though because your cousin came over and I still need to make dinner. You nodded and flew out the door. You entered the motel and quickly hobbled down to your room.

- You unlocked your door and opened it. You entered and quickly grabbed all your stuff and dragged it down the hall. Making sure to hand the key-card to the people in the office before you left.

- When you got out the door your mother honked a weird tune at you hinting to hurry. You sprinted over to the car the best you could and flung your stuff into the back seats. After, you leapt into the front seat.

- You and your mom pulled into the driveway infront of your house. She helped you bring your stuff to the guest room so you wouldn't have to do what you did at the motel. When you got finished you walked down the hall and entered the kitchen.

- "Where's *Insert random/cousin's name here*?" You asked hanging up your jacket. "Oh, they left when I was picking you up. They said they had to run some errands." She said, preparing dinner. "Oh." You said sitting on one of the wooden chairs at the kitchen table, slightly disappointed because you didn't get to see them as often as you'd like.

- "Well, how are you?" You asked wanting to break the awkward silence.  "It's been kind of difficult since your father died, but I think things are going great." She said. Yeah, that only made the awkward silence even more awkward. You decided to watch YouTube or something. Maybe read more fanfiction on Wattpad.

- When you turned on your phone you received a text from a number you didn't recognise:

???: Hello
You: Who is this

You waited for the response.

???: It's Ted. Chris gave me your number earlier. Sorry
You: Umm... And how did he get my number
???: I dunno
You: Umm OK

- You were once again, disturbed. You don't know why you kept agreeing to hang out with them. You had fun, but they creeped you out at the same time. Maybe it was just the fact they were so different. You seemed to hang out with people like that. Like your one friend that was almost killed because of an almond.

- "Ey, Reader! Could you grab me the milk from the fridge?!" Your mom asked snapping you from your thoughts. You grabbed the gallon of milk from the refrigerator and handed it to her. "Thanks."

Well then. There you go.
(Wow, two chapters in one day and maybe even three.)
Well, oyasumi.

Chapter by: Ame

Ted X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now