When i told him(1 month later)

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Cas' POV:

I have been sick for about 3 weeks and I've been feeling funny ever sense me and Dean had our second intercourse with me as bottom. I think I may be pregnant and I don't know how to tell the love of my life about something I don't even completely understand. " Cas my angel come love me" Dean says from the bedroom. " ok.... Dean I need to tell you something thats been bothering me for a couple weeks." He looks at me concerned as I climb in bed and snuggle into his chest. "Baby you can tell me I love you and I don't want you to think you have to hide you thoughts or feeling from me."he said with a bit of sadness. I lean back off his chest and scoot up to where my eyes are even with his. " I... I think im pregnant Dean. " im so worried when I say this and I think he notices so he kisses me then smiles and pulls me into the biggest hug I've ever experienced. "Cas why were you worried this is the best news ive ever heard in my life!" I smile at this and say "Dean you make me so happy and I'm glad that this child I will give birth to in 6 months is yours." When I say this he jumps out of bed with my hand in his and pulls me out of bed as well and starts jumping up and down like a kid whos high on sugar." Cas I'm so happy I dont even know how to explain it!!" He screams cheerfully. "Could you guys quiet down im still trying to sleep!!" Sam yells in an annoyed voice. "Sammy you're gonna be an uncle so no!!" Dean yells back. "Babe I dont know if ready to tell everyone yet because what if they're not supportive, I'll feel negected and I dont think I'm ready for that I'm new to feelings and I've never cried." I say shakily. Right the Sam runs in and hugs me and Dean. " Baby I'm sorry I didn't know. We can wait to tell everyone else." Dean starts crying when he says this and I think its because hes worried about my feelings and he probably feels guilty for telling Sam. " wait... whats going on??" Sam says really confused. " I dont want to tell people yet for reasons I feel uncomfortable  with saying." I say casually.  "Oh alright I wont tell anyone I love you guys but I am still really tired so I'm gonna go back to sleep so please just try to keep quiet." Sam says."actually Sammy im gonna take Cas for breakfast at that little diner down the street." Dean says proudly. " ok bye Dean." Sam says walking out." Awe Dean I do appreciate you trying to do something kind but I don't eat." I say a little confused. " babe the baby is ours, half mine and half yours. I need to eat so I'm thinking you and the little cutie probably need food for now as well." "That seems to make sense Dean I will try to eat." I say. " lets go then." He says and grabs my hand.

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