The new found friendship(1 year later)

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Cass' POV:

Me and Dean are taking Anna to the park. We take her on Saturdays and today's Saturday so off we go."papa! Pawk! Pawk!" She's learning to talk now. "We're going sweetheart." We're in the car but stuck in traffic. I've been officially human for a few months now with the exception of Angel radio and radar. 

I sense something and I look up. Mandriel and Dandriel? Why're they here? I haven't seen them in years! I break out into a smile. Deans putting Anna in the swing when I yell "Dean!" from the bench I'm sitting on. He looks up and sees my smile. "What're you so happy about sweetie?" He chuckles. "Mandriel! Dandriel!" I call them over. Dean freezes. "Cass.... what're you doing?...."  He's says while shaking. Oh no I freaked him out.

" Castiel! Oh my gosh! Come on Dan!" Mandriel yells. "Cassie!" Dandriel as they stop right in front of me. "Are.... are.. they safe...?" Oh no. Dean. I love you. -"it's ok Dean. They're safe. Theyre the angels of bonding. Made the same. As twins. Sisters with vessels who were best friends." He let's out a big breath. "I love you so much." He says.

Mandriel walks over to Anna and starts talking to her in a baby voice. "She really is precious isn't she Manny." I sigh out of love. "Yeah she is Cass." Manny Replies."So Cassie... You know i always knew Dean Winchester would make cute babies. Where's Sam? He's cuter." Said Danny. Deans laughs and says " He's single. He moved out of the bunker and into a little apartment down the street from here. He should be here soon actually."  Dandriel smiles. "Who's talking about me? Oooh you're cute." Sam says walking up to us. Danny blushes and walks to Manny.

I hear Anna giggle and I look and she's on Mandriel's shoulders while she's bouncing her. I smile and kiss Dean. He gets over his shock quickly and kisses back with a smile.

We spend the rest of the day with Manny sense Sam and Danny left for dinner. We brought a picnic and Manny doesn't eat. We went home after and Manny stayed for the night, meanwhile Sam and Dandriel were falling in love in that little diner down the street. Laughing and talking away. "I'm off to bed Manny. Goodnight. Come on Dean." Me and Dean cuddled all night and kissed all morning. Manny said she would take Anna out so its just us.

Sam called this morning and said him and Danny were dating. He said they'd come get Manny at 7 because Danny missed her. They're so close its crazy but that's what god wanted. A short black haired skinny girl and a chubby blonde and pink haired depressed freak. Saved from their lives. Brought even closer than before. Mandriel and Dandriel. The bonding angels. The ones who loved everyone. My best friends besides Dean and Sam.

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