The date

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Deans POV:

It's the day of our anniversary and I want to start out with breakfast in bed. Cass is still weak so he sleeps at night and eats sometimes. He's sleeping right now and I'm cooking bacon and eggs with Anna in her bassinet. As I finish the bacon I see Sam come in the kitchen. "You gotta stop eating that shit Dean... you're gonna get heart desease." Sam scolded. "It's for Cass you jackass and yes I'll probably steal a piece." Sam shakes his head and walks away. 

I put the food on a plate and pick up Anna and walk back upstairs. Cass is awake but still laying in bed. "Where were you Dean? I wanted morning kisses and cuddles." He says with a pout. 

"I was making you breakfast Cass." I tell him as I put Anna in her rocker that's in our room. 

When I turn around I catch his eyes moving away from my midsection as he licks his lips. "Cass! Anna's right there! I know she's a baby so she wouldn't understand but don't give me that hungry look with her around." I scolded him as I sat on the bed then I handed him his food.

He takes his food happily and takes a bite of egg. "Mmm" he moans at the taste. I shift slightly. "Caassssss. Stop it." He laughs at me and kisses me to show me how good it tastes. Yeah it might be gross to think about but its really hot. 

"Ok they're good. Just please" I shift again.  He takes a bite of bacon and says "Fineee I'll stop. Only because I love you." I sigh in relief.

 "Well get dressed, we're going out tonight." I tell him. "Can't wait." He says with a wink. I groan as Anna starts crying and I go pick her up. "Let me hold her Dean. I have to feed her. He fills a bottle with milk from his wings and takes her from my arms. He feeds her and I put her down for a nap in her room.

                                                    6 in the afternoon 

"I'm ready Dean" he yells from downstairs. I slip the small box in my pocket and walk to the door.

"Lets go. Sam! You better take good care of my baby bitch!" I yell then laugh. Cass scolds me for talking like that in front of Anna. "I will jerk!" Sam defends. Then we leave.

When we got to the restaurant and our table, Cass' eyes lit up and he smiled. "Dean! It's beautiful!" He says with joy."so are you my darling. Let's eat cutie." 

We ate and right now we're just talking about the future. "Well Cass.... speaking of the future... I have to ask you something..." he looks at me confused and I get down on one knee... "Cass.... it's been a year, we have a baby and our love.... will you marry me?" I ask him with so much hope."did you think I would say no? Of course I will! I love you so much Dean now get up so I can kiss you." I chuckle and stand up and he kisses me and we pay the bill and leave. I love him. I can't wait to see him walking down the aisle.

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