Caibidil Dhá

258 21 9

-as of this moment, i am using google translate. i'm waiting for fudging kelsey to respond-

It was a regular Tuesday morning. Just like any other day. It was 5:30 am, when Ashton Irwin's alarm went off. He quickly shut it off, not wanting it to wake up his husband, Luke Irwin. Luke groaned, and rolled to the other side of the bed.

He went into the shower, and quickly got ready for the day. He washed his body and his hair quickly, and then got out. He simply just left his hair to dry, while he put on his suit. Another day of work.

Tuesdays were actually the hardest and busiest work days. Mondays and Fridays were easy. Some people took them off, so they could have a three/four day weekend.

Once Ashton was completely dressed up, he walked over to the bed, and shook his husband awake. Luke groaned, but soon opened his eyes. "Luke, get up." Luke sighed, but sat up. He rubbed his eyes, but went into the bathroom to brush his teeth. When he came out, he gave Ashton a kiss on the cheek, and walked over to his drawers.

He pulled out some black jeans and a simple sweater, as it would be a long day with their kids. Luke got a very quick shower, as they woke their kids up very early. It hit six fifteen, and Luke got out. He walked down stairs after getting dressed.

He saw his husband cooking the breakfast for them. It always went like that. The Irwin family, well the adults, would cook eggs and all that good stuff for them, and let their kids eat the cereal. Mainly because it was way too much work for them. Both their kids didn't use milk either, so it was a chance for less of a mess.

Luke went up the man cooking, and wrapped his arms around his waist. "Hi Ash." Luke said, putting his face in Ashton's neck. He snuggled up against him, as the suit he was wearing was very soft. "Hey Lukey." He said, when putting the bacon onto two plates.

"Alright, let's eat." Ashton carried the two plates over to his and Luke's seats, which were of course, right next to each other.

Once the two men were done eating, Luke walked up the steps, into their children's' rooms. He went into Margo's first. He bent down, and started to shake his little girl awake. "Hmm? Dad?" Luke smiled, "Come on Margo, it's time to get up."

The girl seemed to understand her father, and instantly brightened. She was definitely part Ashton. Luke hated waking up with a passion, but for Ashton, waking up was as simple as breathing. "Let's go wake Max up, okay?" The girl nodded, and hopped out of bed. When they were about to leave her room, she stopped. Luke looked back, and knelled down.

"What is it baby girl?" The girl seemed to think for a second of two, but then giggled. "Daddy, give me a piggy back ride!" Luke nodded, and turned around. The little girl hopped on his back, and he stood up. Luke was very tall (so was Ashton) but loved to be six feet tall. She loved having two fathers.

The father and daughter walked into Max's room, and saw him sleeping in his crib softly. Max was about one year old, and he loved his crib to death. Luke bent down, and picked the small child up. Yeah, Max was starting to walk, but no matter what, he stayed in his crib.

Margo had her small arms around Luke's neck, keeping herself up. "Baby girl, I'm gonna have to sit you down. I don't want to drop Max." Margo huffed, but tried to get down herself. Luke has been doing this for a few years or so, he bent down, while still holding Max so Margo could safely get off.

Once he heard her feet hit the ground, he stood up, and turned to face her. "Let's go down and see your father, okay?" Margo nodded, and started to run down the steps. He heard her giggle from the bottom of the steps, and saw Max was still sleeping soundly. He walked down the steps, keeping his baby boy still asleep.

He saw Ashton having Margo sit on his shoulders and walking around. Those two were definitely morning people, while Luke and Max were not. At all. Both his husband and daughter were laughing, and gosh. It was the perfect day.

- :) -

-mikey {20-September-2016}

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