Caibidil a Seacht

173 17 0

As Ashton took step after step with his knee begging for this torture to stop, he kept looking at his ID. His picture had him smiling, as he had just gotten a job in the World Trade Centre building. The freaking World Trade Centre! Of all the places in New York City he could have gotten placed, it was the North Tower. 

Well, that was lying on that ground right now.

In a million or so pieces.

But that was irreverent. He had gotten the job, and he could now have a life with his husband and future family. The picture was from when he was 24, and Margo was about to be born. It was taken right when his life changed drastically. Well, this event is also life changing, but you don't see Ashton grinning like a fool.

His knee was throbbing, and every step was just awful. It was painfully hard, and he couldn't keep walking. He was about 3/4 mile away from where the towers used to be. He was so close to getting there. A little more than a mile, and he would be home. He cried out every time he took he step, as the brace was completely ineffective right now.

He took his final step, and his knee popped a way that should never happen. He cried out in agony, and fell onto his chest. His knee was bent an awkward way, and all Ashton wanted was to be home. He laid a side of his face on the hot road, while gathering the strength he had left.

He pushed up, and rolled off the middle of the walk way. He was currently leaning against a building, while biting his lip so he wouldn't start crying. 

Ashton stayed against the wall for about five minutes, until he saw a police officer walking down the street. The officer's attention automatically went to the married man, and he jogged over. "Sir, are you alright?" The cop questioned. Ashton shook his head, and let out a shaky "n-no." 

"How far away from your house, Mister?" Ashton took a breath, preparing himself to give a full sentence while in complete pain. "A m-mile maybe?" He said in a high pitched voice, which was unusual. He tried to not let this completely get to him.

"Here, I'll help you up, and we will walk to your house. All roads are currently closed." Ashton nodded, and the officer put his hands out for Ashton to take. The married man latched on, and pulled his body up, while standing on his one good leg. "Wrap you arm around my shoulder." Ashton did as said, and the officer and him took a step, going on a very slow pace.

Ashton sighed, this wasn't fast enough. He needed to get home now.

"It's alright sir. We will get there. We will come back one day."

Ashton wasn't sure if he was talking about Ashton himself, or the city/America. It was true for both. Ashton would eventually get to his and Luke's house, it just may take some time. He would visit this area again one day. 

America will fight back and heal as well.


Luke had his phone in his hand, when he remembered something. He went off Google, as he didn't want to really see what was happening. He opened the phone, and started to call Ashton. He heard ringing from the bedroom, and saw Ashton's phone on his dresser. He sighed, and grabbed it, hitting decline. Luke hung up his own phone, and placed it back in his pocket.

Of course today was the day Ashton forgot his phone. 

Luke walked back downstairs, and decided it was time to make lunch. He got a frozen pizza out of the oven, and quickly turned the oven on. While it was heating up, the blonde pulled out his phone again. He went on Google again, and went to type in today's news, when he was getting an incoming call.

The name said, 'Idiot Brother', so Luke answered it. Of course one of his brothers was up at one am right now.

"Hello?" Luke said, in a bored tone. 

"Lucas! What language is that! Have you heard what happened?!" Jack exclaimed loudly.

The younger brother nodded, "Yeah, I know Jack."

"Do the kids know?" Jack questioned. "Margo does, but I don't think she quite understands. All she knows is that both towers fell." Luke said. He heard the oven beep, and quickly put the pizza in.

"New reports are calling it a terrorist attack, Lukey." Jack replied. "Jack, you know only Ashton calls me Lukey, and I'm not really, you know?" Luke completely ignored the 'terrorist attack' part of the conversation, trying to remember all the good times with his husband. 

Luke remembered it was one am where his brother is. "Uh, Jack? Why are you up right now? Isn't it late?" Jack replied, "Yeah, but I was checking the late night news, and saw that a plane had struck the North Tower, so I decided to only call you know?" Jack said, while raising his voice, as he was unsure why he only called his younger brother now.

"It's okay, Jack." Luke sighed. Jack chuckled, even though it was fake.

"It will be okay Luke." Jack said, and Luke swore he could practically see his brother's smile on his face. "Uh huh. Bye Jack." Luke said, hanging up the phone. 

He glanced into the dinning room, and saw Margo and Max at the table. He walked back over, and sat in his seat. He saw the empty see next to him, and sighed once more. "Daddy, is father coming home?" Margo questioned.

"I still don't know baby girl. I really wish I did. But, I don't. And I'm sorry." Luke said. When he was done, he put his face in his hands, and shut his blue eyes shut. He needed a moment. "Da?" Max said. Luke held up his pointer finger, singling one minute or so. 

He took some breaths, in and out, and whispered, "It will be okay." To himself, and snapped his head up with a smile, to both his kids. 


-hey hey hey i didn't update in a while cause im lazy-

-mikey {30-September-2016}

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