Caibidil a Dó

208 18 4

When it was about 8 am, Ashton left for work. He only lived two miles from the Towers he worked in anyways. He always got at the building at around 8:30, so he was perfectly on time. Maybe he would wish he was late?

Ashton walked in the first floor, around 8:32, and work for him started at 8:40. He put his card through the check in, and started to go up to his office. He worked on the ninth floor. He got into his office at around 8:38. His co-workers greeting him with smiles. His co-workers were his friends. They always wanted the stories about his husband and his two kids.

They talked for the next five minutes, catching up. Ashton shared the story about what happened today with his daughter Margo. His co-workers loved every moment of it. It was such a normal day.

At around 8:45 am, Ashton started going through his e-mails. He always went through his mail for about the first fifteen minutes, and then started to call/email the people back. The next three minutes were so calm.

At exactly 8:48 am, a loud growling sound was heard, and not even seconds later, a loud crash was heard, and the entire building shook. Ashton and his co-workers stood up from their desks, immediately wanting to know what happened. A huge rush of heat was felt, and it felt as if something had hit the North Tower.

Whatever it was, it wasn't good. Ashton knew he needed to get out right now. He said, "Love you all, but I have to go!" To his co-workers, knowing he needed to get home to Luke and the kids. Something horrible had happened, and Ashton needed to leave now.


It was around 8:30 when Luke and the kids were sitting in the living room. Ashton left about ten minutes ago, and it was a normal day. Luke let Margo and Max watch their shows on the television while he was cleaning up their toys from last night. At around 8:40, the show went to commercial, and Margo got off their couch.

"Daddy! I'm bored." Margo whined. Luke grinned at his daughter, "You're always bored. How 'bout you help Dad clean?" Margo shrugged her small shoulders, and started to pick up her toys. After five more minutes, Margo again whined, "Dad! I'm still bored."

Luke sighed, his daughter was always bored. Whenever she tried to do a task, she just couldn't do it. She also had these random bursts of hyperactivity. Luke and Ashton just shrugged it off, thinking she was acting like a four year old.

"Uh, I'll give you a piggyback ride again?" Luke said while standing up. Margo nodded, and smiled up at her very tall dad. She lifted her arms, and Luke bent down to pick her up. He placed her on his shoulders, and started to walk around the living room, so he could still keep an eye on Max, who was currently sitting in his play bin.

Margo was giggling, trying to lift her left arm to touch the ceiling. Luke stood on his tippy toes, and let her brush her small hand against it. Luke was about to sit Margo down, when he heard a crash come from outside. It sounded distant, but he felt the ground shake underneath him.

"Daddy! What was that?" Margo asked, tilting her head. Luke instantly got this bad feeling. He set the young girl down near her brother, saying, "Keep an eye on him. I will be right back." Margo nodded, and started to play with her brother.

Luke rushed to open his front door, to see what the heck had just happened outside. He opened it, and instantly broke down. All he could see was the building at which his husband worked in.

It had a huge hole in the side of it, with the end of a plane sticking out. Smoke was everywhere. He started crying, as that was the building the love of his life worked in.

Luke heard Margo walk over, and he quickly closed the door. He didn't even need to think twice. He leaned his back against it, as he was still in semi-shock. His husband's life was in danger. Margo pulled on Luke's jeans.

"Daddy, what's wrong?" Margo asked with a frown on her face.

Luke didn't even bother wiping away his tears. He picked up Margo, and set her on his hip.

"Daddy, don't cry! Father doesn't like when you cry."

Luke chocked on his sobs, and walked back over to where Max was. He set Margo down on the couch, and turned off the television instantly. This would be all over the news. Luke tried to stop crying for his kids.

Max started to move around in his play pin. "Da!" Max yelled out. Luke walked over and picked up his baby boy. "Shh, Maxy. It's okay." Luke sat down on the couch next to his daughter, and just held Max in his arms, while trying to calm down. 

-btw it's my birthday, and i almost cried over this-

-mikey {24-September-2016}

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