Caibidil a Cúig

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Ash was everywhere, it was spread everywhere throughout New York City. Even if Ashton ran as fast as he could, his top speed was simply not fast enough. He wasn't that far from the towers, so he got covered in the ash, and buried under all the debris.

He coughed, and tried to lift the part of the building off his. The air was thick, and Ashton found it very hard to breathe. If he didn't get out soon, his air would be completely cut off. 

Ashton wasn't dumb. He knew he had little air, and little time. He had to use the resources he had all around him to get out of the rubble. He couldn't hear anything. He didn't know if he lost some of his hearing, or America was simply just stunned from what the hell had just happened. Ashton instantly thought of his husband, and knew Luke must have known something had happened. He had to get out. He had to see his family again.

He screamed out, "Help me!" About five times, before he could slightly hear footsteps coming over to him. He could hear muffled talking, and felt some blocks being lifted up off him. He was pulled out of the ruble, and heard a firefighter say, "Are you alright?!" 

Ashton nodded. He felt slightly dizzy, and his knee was killing him. He looked down at his suit, to see it bleeding a lot. He went to take a step, but his knee wouldn't lock, giving him an unsteady balance. The firefighter caught him. "Here, let's take you over here." The firefighters left, but the one who was helping Ashton walk stayed. 

"I'm gonna wrap your knee, then put a brace on it. Try to stay off of it, but if you need to go home, I advise you to do that." Ashton nodded, and saw the man get the cleaning supplies. He got a clean rag, and placed it on the end of the firetruck. He got alcohol, and placed it there too. 

He took out his army knife, and cut the leg of fabric off of Ashton. It was right above his knee, and the man started to clean it. 

Ashton looked down at his watch, seeing it was 10:10 am. The man who was cleaning his wound seemed to get some kind of information via ear piece. Ashton could hear it as well, but again, it was slightly muffled. Everything was.

"We have an update, saying that part of the Pentagon has been destroyed." Ashton gasped, and the firefighter looked up to his face. "I guess this is a day for the history books, huh?" Ashton whimpered at his knee, but again nodded. 

After about ten more minutes, it was 10:20. The ear piece went off again. "We also have news that a hijacked plane has crashed into a field. Experts believe that said plane was going towards the White House." Once the 'announcement' was done, so was the cleaning. Ashton had a brace on his knee, that he didn't know where it came from. Apparently, it would give him support, and make it easier to walk. 

"Go. Go home to your family." The firefighter said, while walking towards the one tower.  Ashton nodded, and began to limp his way home. His head was pounding, and his knee was throbbing, but he could make it. He would make it for Margo, Max, and Luke. 

After five minutes of so, Ashton looked back down at his watch, when feeling another rumbling go through out the entire ground. He turned back around, seeing the one tower. The feeling got worse, and every person in New York could feel it. It shook the surroundings, and Ashton could feel everything.

He was frozen with along ten others, just looking at the tower. The floors were pancaking on top of one another. The ten people he was with ran as quickly as they could into a small shop, to escape the smoke. The floors fell one after another, creating layers upon layers on ash and papers flying everywhere.

Both towers have now fallen. 


Luke was pacing around his house. Max was playing on the floor, while Margo was in the bathroom doing god knows what. Luke noticed Margo hadn't come down for five minutes and stopped.

That was the one window he forgot to cover.

He bolted up the steps, thanking his parents for giving him mile long legs. He pounded on the bathroom door, since Margo locked it. Luke pleaded, "Mar, please open the door!" He heard the door click, and looked down to see Margo's bright blue eyes full of tears.

"Daddy, why is only one tower up?" She asked while crying.

Luke bent down, picking up the small girl. "Sh, it's okay." That was a lie. "Baby girl, it will be okay." Yeah, lying to your children sucks. Luke walked down the stairs, seeing Max looking at them. 

The blonde man whispered to his daughter, "Don't let Max know anything is wrong." She sniffled, "Okay Daddy." Luke set his daughter down, and they both felt a rumbling feeling about two minutes later. Margo was playing with Max, and glanced up to her dad.

"Daddy, it's happening again.." She said. Luke nodded and closed his eyes, "I know baby girl."Luke stood up from the couch, feeling the whole city shake. He looked outside the window, just in time to see the building start to collapse. It went the top floor, to where the burning hole was. It traveled down and down, finally reaching the ground. 

The smoke went everywhere. Papers were flying, and some ash even hit the houses near the Irwin's. Luke sighed, knowing that Ashton would most likely not return from work. 

Luke sat down, and Margo walked over. "Daddy, what happened?" He looked into her blue eyes, and cupped her cheeks. 

"I love you. And father loves you too. Okay? Just know that. Your father will always love you."


-well look at that! have i made anyone cry yet? sorry if i did-

-mikey {25-September-2016}

Never Forget - Lashton ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ