Caibidil a Naoi

183 14 1

Luke opened the door, and saw the love of his life standing on one leg, with an officer holding him up. 

Luke gasped, and said, "Ashton?!" The injured man nodded, and went in to hug his husband. Luke quickly hugged back, wanting his be as close as possible to him. The officer still helped the hurt man stand up, while Luke and Ashton were hugging as tightly as possible. 

Margo ran over to her fathers, and Calum picked the girl up, since the men were still hugging. When both Irwin men let go of each other, Ashton saw Margo, and quickly grabbed her from Calum's arms. Luke had tears running down his face, as well as Ashton. The later was tightly hugging his daughter, and yeah, both of them were crying. Margo's eyes were bright blue, and had tears streaming down her face. 

The blonde man went to go get the younger kid and brought him to Ashton. He hugged both his kids, never wanting to leave them or Luke ever again.

Once that reuniting had been complete, the Irwin's finally moved further into the actually house. Ashton sat down on his couch, next to Luke. Calum gave the Irwin family his number, as they could call him if they needed anything, but he had to go back to work.

The man who worked in the tower, his suit was completely trashed. It was ruined, but for some reason, Ashton wanted to keep it. It was like a reminder that he had made it. He survived.

The man was sitting on the couch, while Luke was looking at his knee. The couple agreed to take Ashton to the emergency room later, as they were most likely flooded due to this tragic event. Ashton had Max on his lap, with Margo next to him. All the family wanted was to be as close as they could with each other.

And that's what they are getting.

The Irwin's just simply sat there for hours, as the sun went down. They talked like they had just met, and completely left their electronics off. The television wasn't on, they just sat with each other, and talked. Something that doesn't happen a lot day.

When Max had fell asleep, Margo was next. She laid her head on her father's dirty suit. Luke sighed, knowing he would have to help her wash her hair. He put Max to bed first, and then put Margo in her bed.

When Luke left her room, he closed the door. He stood in the hallway, and closed his eyes. He whispered, "Thank you," to no one. He was just happy Ashton returned. He was alive.

He went into their shared bedroom, and grabbed some sleeping clothes for them both. He changed, and brought the clothes down to Ashton. He saw his husband with his head back, and eyes clothes.

Luke laughed, and Ashton glanced over, eyes open now. "Long day?" Luke said to Ashton. He got a playful glare, "What do you think?" Luke chuckled, as he tried to keep the light mood going, despite the event that happened early today.He threw the clothes at the man laying down, saying, "Here change." He giggled when he noticed the look Ashton gave him. Luke walked over, and started to try and get the suit off of Ashton. 

Once the suit had been peeled off of Ashton, Luke went to throw it away. Ashton quickly stopped him, "Babe, wait. Uh, keep it please." Luke went to question it, but let it go considering what his husband went through today. The new clothes were now on Ashton only after a small playful argument. Luke didn't feel like moving Ashton to their bedroom, since Ashton weighed more then Luke. The blonde also wan't nearly as strong as his husband.

Luke curled up next to Ashton, while the later's injured leg has been laid out on the coffee table in front of them. 

The blonde softly yawned, and moved so his legs were over Ashton's lap. "Night Ash." He said when getting comfortable. "Night baby. I love you." Luke yawned once more, "hmm love you too." 

Luke could feel Ashton's heartbeat and smiled, knowing that Ashton was home. He slowly started drifting off, when he felt a kiss placed on his hair. He smiled, and finally fell asleep after this very long day.


-awe lashton fluff. one more chapter- 

-mikey { 01-October-2016 }

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