Caibidil a Trí

183 18 3

Ashton wasn't the only one trying to get out of the North Tower. Hundreds of people from higher up floors were rushing down the many sets of steps. Ashton ran out of the room with his co-workers, and them questioning Ashton. They just didn't truly realise what had just happened. 

Ashton was just a small speck of people in the crowd rushing down the steps. Screams were heard everywhere. Sirens were all people could hear from outside, besides the screams. A firefighter was stopping people at the eighth staircase. Ashton went to go past him, but the man stopped him, "Excuse me sir, you can't go down these steps." Ashton had tears in his eyes. There was no doubt that Luke knew what had happened, and was in worry.

"Why?! I need to get home to my children!" Ashton said over the scream. The heat was all the could be felt. The heat traveled throughout the entire building. With all the formal clothing people were wearing, sweat traveled through the air. 

"This is for woman only. If your wife works here, you may both leave this way together." The firefighter said calmly. Ashton looked at him in surprise and disgust. Someone was about to not let him leave just because of his gender. "I have a husband who I need to see now. If you are gonna shoot me or something, okay. People are dying anyways. Have a nice day." Ashton said. 

He looked like he was going to go right of the firefighter, and the man went to block Ashton. But, Ashton quickly went left, and ran down the steps. The firefighter yelled after him, but Ashton simply did not care. He rushed down the steps.

His legs were burning, as this was the fastest he's ran since high school. He got to the second floor, and soon had to join the rest of the crowd. He looked down at his watch, it was 9:00 am now. He sighed, and wiped his eyes. He was so close to getting out of this burning death trap, but yet so far.

Ashton had only moved a few yards in the next three minutes. He was pushed up against a window, and looked outside. People who had already gotten out, were running for their lives. He heard louder screams, and again, a huge crash. The ground had shook again, and the people in the North World Trade Center building stopped everything. They stopped talking, screaming, moving. 

Another firefighter was soon seen, "We need to leave now! The South Tower has been struck as well! Get home! Go to your family!" He screamed desperately. After that, he started to go up the steps, to save others. Finally, the people started to talk again.

One thing stuck out to Ashton. This was no accident.


Luke had been just simply sitting on the couch with his kids, wanting Ashton to return in perfect shape. But honestly, what were the odds? The blonde had set Max down on the floor, and he started to walk around the living room. Margo kept looking up at her father. Something wasn't right. 

At around 9:00 am, Luke looked out the window, which he had covered. He didn't want Margo looking at the burning towers. He could see another plane flying way too low. He grabbed Max from the floor, as he new it would impact the North Tower again, or even the South Tower. He held Max, and sat down with Margo again.

Margo went to ask a question, but was cut off by another loud crash. Luke clenched his eyes shut, as he knew his husband may or may not return from work. 

"Daddy, why did that happen again." Luke sighed, he would have to explain it to his kids at sometime. "Margo, uh an accident happened." Margo gasped, "Is Father okay?" Luke wished he could give a straight answer. He just shrugged,

"I have no idea baby girl."


-     :)     -

-mikey {24-September-2016}

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