november 5th

151 6 2

dear niall,

today was amazing.

you actually apologized for the egg incident. you came up to me when i was putting my books away in my locker between third and fourth period and said that you were sorry and that you would do anything to make it up to me. 

i just stared at you. we hadn't talked since 11th grade, and now,
nearly a year and a half later, you are talking to me again.
"um... alaska?" you said. i just kept gaping at you. you know my name. YOU KNOW MY NAME!
"oh, sorry" i said looking back into my locker.
"what can i do? i feel terrible. im such a dick."
i was shocked to hear you call yourself that. 

"no, its okay i guess. its no problem, really," i tried to get you to go away. i could literally feel your body heat and I had to hold back from just falling in your warmth.
"nope. i'm not taking no for an answer." you were stubborn. and looked so damn cute. you wore just a plain white shirt and dark blue jeans, yet you made me want to jump on top of you.
"i dont have anything i need you to do though," other than to marry me. 

"how about this... let's go out for a coffee or something, my treat." you had the most sincere look in your eyes that made me want to collapse.
you, niall horan, the most popular guy in school, were asking me, the quiet girl with a weird name, out for coffee. i seriously thought i was hallucinating this. 

"oh, uh, sure. that sounds good" i stuttered like a fucking idiot.
"great, its a date then. ill pick you up tomorrow at 11?" i was in shock. pure shock. was this actually a date? holy shit.
"sounds good," i smiled. i tried to make it a charming smile, but it most likely looked like i was shitting my pants. which i was. 

you walked me to my car in silence, then said that we should probably exchange numbers. after we did that you said that you'd see me tomorrow.
just a few minutes ago, at 9:57 PM, you texted me "hey :)" and I think right then and there I died and went to heaven.
how can you be so perfect already, then get more perfect?
i used to think that you would never feel the same... but now im not so sure.

-alaska, the girl giddy with overflowing love for you.

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