november 13th

113 8 7

dear niall,

today was okay. i had to watch you and Alison all day, but you winked at me a few times and smiled at me when she wasnt looking.
my parents dont know that i skipped school; which im suprised about; we werent exactly discrete about it.
we've been texting all throughout the day and ive realized how funny you are. ive always known you were funny, but i had no clue you were this funny. i bursted out laughing a few times during my classes and almost got detention because of it.
you also flirt quite a bit. youve mentioned many times that you wish we could be hanging out and sent lots of "x"s after almost every text. im not complaining though.
i saw you after school when i was walking to my car, you were walking with Alison and you smiled at me and blew a kiss. it was fucking adorable.
everything you do just makes me fall more and more in love with you. even when you just glance my way, it makes my love for you swell.


an hour and a half ago you texted me saying to come outside. i snuck out of my house, to find you outside holding takeout.
"i brought you dinner" you smiled. i cant even describe to you how sweet you are. you took time out of your day to bring me food and ive never wanted to kiss you more. i fucking love you niall horan.
we then snuck up to my room and layed down on my bed and ate the chinese takeout. i layed my head on your chest and you played with my hair while we ate orange chicken and watched friends- it sounds fucking weird, but it was perfect.
after we finished eating, i turned slightly and just stared at you. i couldnt understand how someone so incredible, could be here with me right now, holding me. i never wanted to leave.
"youre staring" you said, smirking down at me.
"i just dont understand" i said dazed.
"what?" you slightly leaned up, and you took my breath away.
"i dont understand how youre here right now, in my bed." you just smiled.
"im here babe." the nickname made tears brim my eyes and i couldnt hold it this time; you immediately took me further into arms.
"whats wrong ally?" you said before you kissed my forehead.
"i just- i never thought you would ever notice me. i never thought i was worth noticing" the tears were still in my eyes, and your eyes held so much.. compassion. like i was the most precious thing in the world.
"ive always noticed you. to be honest i was just terrified to talk to you." i looked up at you, startled. 
"what do you mean?" i knew exactly what you meant, i just didnt think i heard you right.
"ive always liked you alaska. ive always noticed you and wanted to talk to you, but i was so scared that you wouldnt know who i am" i then sat up and took your face in my hands.
"niall ive liked you since the seventh grade. i notice you every time you walk in a room, hell i would notice you in a stadium full of people." you wrapped your arms around my hips and pulled me closer.
"you like me?" a small smile rested on your face when you said this.
"yes, i like you" i smiled, and you then brought my face close to yours and peppered my face (everything minus my lips) and laughed.
"you dont know how long ive waited to hear that" you said and im so in love with you holy shit.
after that we just layed there, enjoying each others company. you left soon after that, kissing the corner of my mouth (which gave me goosebumps by the way) and told me that you would text me later.

ive never been this happy. i love you i love you i love you.

-alaska, or "lasky" as you've started to call me now.

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