november 6th

166 7 2

(a/n this is basically an entire chapter inside of a letter and also, imagine a burgundy scarf with this outfit, and forget all the extra shit besides the bag and the watch)

dear niall,

fuck. today is the day. i woke up at 7:45 this morning because of my nerves. i have to look perfect.

my closet is shit, but i somehow managed to drag something out, i hope its okay for you. it took me around 2 hours to pick out. i hope you think i look beautiful. i spent about an hour and a half doing my hair and makeup. i put on mascara, and brown eyeshadow, and i lightly curled my hair. im praying that you like it.
its now 10:43 AM and im just sitting in my room, waiting for you.
i bet you're going to look amazing. i will pale in comparison to you. maybe this was a bad idea. i should probably call you and tell you that i got sick or something.

oh fuck you just pulled up.
god help me.


i am now writing to you at 4:37, and im peeing my pants with happiness.
heres what happened:

you were wearing a dark grey v-neck with your famous dark blue jeans, and you took my breath away. you had said that i looked beautiful and that i should wear my hair like that more often. you opened the door for me and when the car started, arctic monkeys started playing.

"you like arctic monkeys?" i asked quietly.
"i love them. do you?" you asked.
"i love them too. ive listened to them since the seventh grade." i said, smiling, remembering the time in seventh grade that you let me borrow your eraser.
"me too" you smiled that smile. the smile that made my heart race and goosebumps rise on my legs.

once we got to the nearest little coffee shop, you grabbed my hand and led me to the counter, where a slightly large man greeted you.
"is this her?" the man says. you blushed. you. fucking. blushed.
"uh ya this is alaska" you smiled, your hand was at the small of my back.
"ahh alaska" the man said, elbowing you in the ribs several times.
"uncle sam, stop" you laughed and blushed harder.
"its nice to meet you alaska, im sam" sam said and smiled with compassion.
"hi, its nice to meet you too sam" i tried to smile nicely, but it probably looked awkward as hell.
"here, ill get you guys some coffee" sam said with a smile and we went to go find a table.
"thats my uncle sam, he owns the place." you said with a sheepish smile as we sat down.
"its okay. he seems really nice" i smiled, admiring the way you looked with the sun shining through your hair and your vibrant blue eyes.

sam showed up with two iced coffees not even a minute later.

"thanks sam" you and i said at the same time. we immediately looked and just smiled at each other. sam had called us adorable and we blushed. it was kind of incredible.
we drank our coffees and talked about our interests, our family, and just... everything.
once we finished our coffees, you asked me if i was hungry.
"um.. i guess so" i smiled shyly at you. i really was trying to not come off too strong. i was trying not to freak you out.
"great, i know the perfect place" you grabbed my hand again, and lead me to your car.
my hand is still tingling.
we drove about 10 minutes, while listening to arctic monkeys. just sitting in silence with you is my favorite thing to do.

after we pulled up to an old diner, we headed inside and sat in a booth on the far side.
"what kind of food do you like?" you asked out of the blue.
"um.. i pretty much like everything" i said looking around. i could tell that this was boring you or was awkward for you. thats my explanation for what i said next.
"you didnt have to do this at all, i hope you know that. we come from two completely different spectrums of the popularity food chain, so if you want to leave i totally get it." I stupidly blurted out. to be completely honest i was expecting you to thank me and then walk out of the diner.
but you were.. appalled
"what the hell ally?" my heart was racing from the nickname you gave me. but i got so nervous niall, you dont even understand how hard i was shaking.
"of course i want to hang out with you. why would i ask you out if i didnt?" even though what you said made me want to cry from how sweet you are, i couldnt help but highly doubt it. how could you possibly like me?
"are you sure?" what you did next made me want to smile so big it would split my face in half.
"ive been sure since seventh grade". i almost kissed you right there.
the rest of the day was amazing. i think we got along really well and all of our conversations were really good.
i even made you laugh a few times.

when you dropped me off after we went to the diner, it was around 4. we had talked at the diner for four hours.
you walked me to the door and hugged me and you smelled so fucking good... I accidentally kissed your cheek... so im really sorry about that. i know it probably freaked you out.
before you got into your car you said that you'll see me on monday and you fucking winked.
niall you winked at me.

so thank you, for a fucking amazing day.

i love you more and more by the minute.

-alaska, the girl who you probably dont like but asked out anyway.

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