Chapter 6

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Lyon's P.O.V

I took that girl to the closest forest, I guess we were lucky there was a river nearby.

"Ok now to clean the blood off..." Oh lord this is going to make me feel like a pervert. I try shaking her awake, she wouldn't budge. "Great, just great." I sweat drop.

"Ok I'll start with your face." I say to no one.

I rip off a piece of cloth from my sleeve, and wet it with the river water.

I take off the hood of her cloak, and dab the cuts with the cloth.

"Pink..." I say looking at her hair. Dammit I'm getting sidetracked.

"Ok now onto... the chest and stomach." I mutter. I was about to dab it on her chest when...

I felt something grab my wrist. "What the hell do you think you are doing?!" She flipped me from the ground, ow...

"What the hell?!" I yelled. How can she do that still on the ground.

"Like you have room to talk! What the hell are you doing pervert!" She yelled, louder than me.

"Hey, calm down, I was trying to help clean your wounds so they wouldn't get infected!" I said.

"Likely story!" She sat up to try and hit me, and ended up wincing in pain.

Meredy's P.O.V

Who is this guy? About to touch my chest, what a perv...

I sat to hit him, only to feel a pain in my stomach. I winced.

"See this is why I did what I did, so it wouldn't get worse. You should have just let me help you." He said.

"I can do that myself." I mutter. A slight blush on my face, wait why am I blushing I don't even know this guy?

"You can't at the way you are right now... I mean you can't even sit up without harming yourself." He said.

"Shut it!" I yelled, trying to hit him again, keyword 'try'. He grabbed my wrist.

"I wouldn't be thrashing like that if I were you." He said.

"Well you're not me." I replied. I then realized something. "You're that guy from yesterday..." I said.

"Yeah and you're that girl." He says.

"Well I thank you for saving me but I won't except the fact that you almost molested me." I say.

"For the last time I wasn't trying to do anything like that, I was helping you!" He yelled, a tick mark on his head.

"Whatever..." I mutter.

"We should camp here tonight, I'll take you back to Sorcière Kingdom in the morning." Was the last thing he said to me that day.

The Thief That Stole My Heart {LyRedy}Where stories live. Discover now