The white gem is gone!!!

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During midnight, at Tusk's kingdom...

The mysterious figure climbed in the secret hallway, opened the room, and stole the giant white gem, which is the symbol of the whole kingdom. The mysterious figure dropped a letter and ran away. No one noticed yet.

"Ha, ha! The fun has just begun." He evilly smirked.


"Bye mom, bye dad." Amu waved, as a carriage picked her and Sera up.

"Take care." Mako said, then she turned to Takeru. Takeru nodded and smiled.

"Let's go to the temple. How does that sound?" Takeru said, Mako nodded.

On the carriage, Sera noticed how Amu is more cheerful than usual.

"You can't wait to meet him, can't you Amu?" Sera joked.

"What are you saying? I don't understand?" Amu denied.

"You know what I mean." Sera addressed.

"Okay. Okay. I admit I can't wait to see him. Besides, I bet you are hoping to see Yamato, correct?" Amu asked. Sera blushed and just looked away.


"Tusk, remember to stay safe and protect the princess." Chiaki said.

"Don't worry, your highness. I'll protect the prince's safety." Yamato bowed. Chiaki nodded.

"Look like they are here," Kotoha exclaimed. She turned to Chiaki and dragged him away.

"Hey, what's you're doing Kotoha?" Chiaki asked.

"Let's them have their moment." Kotoha simply answered. Chiaki shrugged.

Back at Tusk...

Amu and Sera stepped out of the carriage. Yamato walked up to hug Sera, while Tusk walked up to Amu, and kissed her on the cheek. Amu blushed.

"So for today schedule," Yamato explained, "The prince and princess will have a ride around the kingdom. Then after, we'll all go to the market."

"Sound like a good plan, ne Amu?" Sera asked. Amu snapped out of her thoughts and nodded.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get going!" Yamato said.

They hop on 2 carriages. One white and green ribbons carriage is for Tusk and Amu. The other is decorated in blue and red ribbons is for Yamato and Sera.

Tusk and Amu decided to take a ride around the forest, while Yamato and Sera decided to take a ride around the beach. They decided to meet after 1 hour.


Tusk and Amu's carriage....

"Did you have a good sleep, last night?" Tusk asked.

"Yes, how about you?" Amu smiled.

"Fine as well." Tusk smiled back. As a gentle breeze passed by them, the tree leaves fall down slowly. Amu and Tusk looked at each other.

Wow! She looks so beautiful. Tusk thought dreamily.

"What's wrong, Tusk?" Amu asked, as she saw something was out of normal. Tusk shook his head, "Nothing," he replied.

"Look at the bird family over there. It's so adorable." Amu hitting Tusk on his lap, and pointed. But then something stop her, she remembered her aunt's voice... "MANNER".

She quickly stopped, and politely restated, "Hey Tusk, take a look over there. The bird family is so adorable ne?" Tusk nodded, but he was bothered by Amu sudden change.


"Yamato, would you mind walking along the beach?" Sera nervously asked.

Yamato smiled, "Definitely, I love walking on beaches."

"Really? Me too!" Sera exclaimed.

"C'mon let's go." Yamato held his hand out, Sera accepted it. As they both held their hands walking along the beach.

Yamato decided to ask Sera, what he had been wondering the whole time.

"Are you Amu's sister, or kind of like me bodyguard?" Yamato questioned.

Sera surprised by the question, but she honestly answered, "I'm actually a princess, but my kingdom was destroyed in a wild fire. I was playing with Amu at the moment, but as I heard the news... I ..." broke down and cried.

"My family are gone." She cried. Yamato sat down and comforted her, "I'm sorry to ask." Yamato said.

He hugged Sera tightly, "Don't you worry, I won't let it happen to you again." Sera looked up, she met Yamato's eyes, as they came closer, and they kissed.

They pulled out after a few minute and hop back on the carriage so they could go meet Tusk and Amu.


They met at the supermarket. Before both could talk, Leo came running toward them.

"Tusk, Yamato, the king want to see you." Leo said.

He turned to Amu and Sera, "You two better run home now, something bad is happening."

"What's happened?" Tusk asked.

"The white.... is gone." Leo finished his sentence.

SO what do you think? Another cliffhanger, gomen. Seem like the story is about to get intense. Stay tune to find out what happen next. Review and let me know what you think. ;)

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