Escape Plan

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Tusk sat in his room alone, until he heard a knock on the door. Yamato and Leo opened the door.

"I thought I told you to leave me alone." Tusk said. Yamato and Leo continued walking toward Tusk.

"Tusk, we have a plan so you could see Amu." Yamato said. Tusk looked up, and held Yamato's shoulder and shake it hard.

"What is the plan?" Tusk asked.

"Of course, is running away." Leo said.

"Tonight, Leo will distract your parents, while I'll help you escape from the castle. After we reach the horses, Leo will meet us there. Do you want to do it?" Yamato asked.

"I guess I have no choice. It's my only chance to see Amu." Tusk whispered to himself. "Okay. I agreed. We'll leave tonight." Tusk said. Yamato and Leo bowed.

"Now Tusk, let's prepare your bag. I bring you dinner early." Yamato said. Tusk nodded.

"You two may leave." Tusk said, Leo and Yamato nodded. They were about to close the door.

"Wait." Tusk stopped them.

"Yes, Tusk?" both of them asked.

"Thank you." Tusk smiled.

"No problems, elephant." Leo joked. Tusk laughed and nodded. Yamato and Leo closed the door. Tusk was packing his stuff. Amu, I'd come for you. Please wait for me.


Amu was staring out at the window. Sera decided to leave her friends alone. Why did this happened? Who stole the white gem and blame it on Dad? These questions flowed through Amu's mind. Sera was sitting in the lounge room and thinking to herself.

She decided to send a message to Yamato. She called her pigeon, and tie a message to it leg. "Pigeon, bring this to Yamato. You understand right? Now go!" Sera said, as she released the pigeon.

After the pigeon left, Sera decided to check on Amu. She knocked on Amu's door, there was no answer.

"Amu, it's me Sera. Can I come in?" Sera asked, and there was still no answer. Sera slowly opened the door, Amu was already asleep. Sera felt relieved, she thought her friend would do something stupid.

Sera silently left. While Mako was trying find Takeru, she searched everywhere but there was no sign of Takeru. Where could he go? Mako wondered, and continued running to the next floor.


It was 6:00 pm, Tusk excused himself to go to sleep early. Kotoha nodded, and Tusk ran upstair. Leo invited the king to talk about the attack plan, while Yamato asked one of the maid to take care of the queen.

Tusk was in his room packing, and putting the blanket over the pillow. So everyone will think that he is sleeping. While Yamato was outside preparing the horse.

"Your highness, I have to meet a friend from the neighboring country. May I excuse myself?" Leo asked, after he saw it was time. Chiaki nodded. Leo bowed and left the room.

Leo came running toward Tusk and Yamato. "I'm ready." Leo said.

"Okay, let's go." Tusk whispered, so took off with their horse, and headed to the Snow Tigress Kingdom.

Amu! I'm coming! Tusk said in his mind.

Ahh!!! Sorry! For not updating. I'm really sorry! So here the chapter, hope you guys enjoy it. I promised this time to update it as soon as possible. Please Review!!!


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