Bunglay is the culprit!

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"C'mon you can't be serious Mako." Takeru complained.

"Yeh. Nee-san." Chiaki also disagreed.

"I think is the only way to solve this problem. I agree with Mako-chan." Kotoha protested.

"But..." both kings stated.

"No 'buts'. It decided. Now I'll tell the guard to prepare." Mako declared and walked away.

"Nee-chan is so scary." Chiaki muttered.

"You are scare to lose?" Takeru smirked.

"I'll beat you." Chiaki stated.


In Larri's room...

"Princess Amu, I see you have a secret that you are not willing to tell." Larri predicted.

"Really?... I don't think so." Amu lied. Sera looked at Amu worriedly. Misao looked at Larri.

"Is okay, princess. If you tell it out, Misao and I will try our best to help you." Larri stated.

"Umm..." Amu stammered, she looked at Sera wondering if she should tell. Just then, a guard went in.

"sorry for the intrusion your highnesses. There's a message for Princess Sera." The guard stated, bowing and handed Sera the letter.

"Thank you." Sera stated. The guard left. Sera took a look at the letter. There was a mark that symbol it was from Yamato.

"If you excuse me, could I go and read the letter?" Sera asked.

"Make yourself comfortable." Larri stated. Sera nodded and left the room.

She went into a corner and opened the letter.


How are you? Are you guys still safe? Me and the others are doing fine, so you don't need to worry. We managed to find a clue that we didn't get to tell you. There was a weird symbol on the arrow that you handed us last time. The attacker isn't from the Mighty Croco Kingdom. It's someone else that is wandering around the kingdom. We assumed is a dangerous criminal or something. Please be careful. I love you!

P.S We're on our way to the Mighty Croco Kingdom.



Sera reread the line 'a dangerous criminal'. Could it be the blue figure I saw? She wondered in her head.

"Sera-chan! We have to go now!" Amu stated. Sera looked and waved.

"I'm coming." She shouted. Sera walked over to Amu and Misao.

"Thanks for having us." Amu stated.

"My pleasure." Larri said. They walked back to the main hall.

"How about, I'll lead you guys back to your rooms." Misao suggested. Amu nodded. Sera was lost in her thought.

"Sera-chan?" Amu asked in worried. Sera snapped out of her thought.

"What is it?" Sera asked.

"Are you feeling sick? You seem to blank out at the moment" Amu asked.

"I'm fine." Sera answered, Amu felt relief.

"By the way, Misao..." Sera said.

"Yes?" Misao asked.

"Is there any dangerous criminal that had escape from the kingdom's dungeon?" Sera asked.

"Umm...I don't think so. Wait! Few days ago, the famous thief/dangerous escaped from our dungeon." Misao replied.

"Really? What his name?" Sera continued to gather information.

"His name, I think is Bunglay." Misao stated, trying to remember.

"Is he blue?" Sera asked. Misao nodded.

"What's wrong?" Misao asked.

"That must be him. The figure I saw wandering around the kingdom." Sera stated.

"You mean the figure you saw earlier?" Amu repeated. Sera nodded.

"Guards!" Misao called. Dozens of guards ran toward them.

"Yes your highness?" one guard asked.

"Bunglay is wandering around the castle. Go and find him!" Misao demanded. The guards nodded and started to search around the whole castle.

"I hope, they'll catch him." Sera stated.

"Sera, Amu, mind if I ask you both something?" Misao stated, as they went into Amu's room. Amu and Sera nodded.

"Is Bunglay the one that..."

To be continued...

The next chapter will be focusing on the suggestion that Mako had made for the two kings. The story is nearly coming to an end. Don't worry Tusk/Amu and Yamato/Sera shippers. There will be scenes of them pretty soon.

After this, I'll continue to finish my story for "I'm the one."

I might do a version of "Sleeping Beauty" or "Tangled" for Takeru/Mako. So vote for which version I should do. Sleeping Beauty or Tangled?

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