Chapter Four

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Leanna could feel her heart pounding in her chest. The force of it so powerful, it wouldn't surprise her if the ribs became bruised. Dylan's hand had long since left her side, but it felt like it was still resting against her hip. He was sitting in the driver's seat, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. Fighting back a great urge to grab one of his hands, she turned to look out the passenger side window.

Neither talked about where they were going. Suggesting that they go somewhere was her horrible attempt at letting him know that no. No, she did not want to leave that motel room. Falling for a kidnapper was so cliché, and she hated the fact that she was becoming one. This was reality, now some fan-fiction story she used to read when she was fourteen. Romanticizing the action was disturbing, and, had she not been the one experiencing it, she would have sneered at the whole concept.

"Where did you want to go?" Dylan asked, taking his eyes off the road to glance at her.

Damn it. Every time he looked her way, she forgot the pep talk about ignoring him she had given herself just seconds earlier. It wasn't just one feature; it was his entire damn face. She felt her heart skip a beat when he looked at her. Fantasizing about him at every opportunity did nothing to help either. They were walking a thin line, and she was well aware of it.

Forcing down the lump in her throat, Leanna gathered up the courage to look him in the eye. "I was thinking we could get some lunch. I'm starving."

Rolling his eyes, Dylan signalled to switch into the other lane. "We just ate two hours ago, but okay."

How he was able to afford eating out every single day, she did not know. Whatever group he was a part of must either be rich, or he himself was holding back a rather hefty fortune. Regardless, there seemed to be no problems about eating arising any time soon.

"I have an idea," she said. When there was no response, she continued. "We should go to a mall. Maybe we can find some new clothes while we're there too."

Dylan snorted before turning to look at her. "Oh, yeah? I'm almost certain you want to go there to escape. So no, we aren't going to a mall."

Shifting in her seat, Leanna leaned towards him. "Why would I try to escape? You're the only one who has any idea on where my parents may be. As much as I wish I could get away from you, I'm stuck."

Releasing a loud sigh, Dylan switched into the other lane. Signs on the side of the road told how much farther they had to travel before reaching a mall. The most recent sign they passed told them they had five miles to go.

A thrill went through Leanna, the anticipation of seeing something other than the inside of a diner or motel room making her giddy with excitement. She had her wallet, though she doubted Dylan planned on doing any window shopping. Chances were he'd go inside to eat, and then they'd be rushing back to the motel.

Thinking of that motel room increased her nerves. The way he looked at her before they left made her cheeks burn in embarrassment. Spending any number of nights with him mere inches away would be near impossible. Not without her constantly thinking of the intensity in his eyes when he saw her.

"We're going in to eat, find you some clothes, and then we're leaving. Do you hear me?"

Leanna looked up at him, her concentration broken. "Yeah, I understand."

They drove on in silence for the remainder of the drive. Neither seemed to have any idea what to say, most of the time they sat in silence. Dylan leaned forwards and turned on the radio, the metal music once again filled the car. Leanna still wondered how the vehicle even functioned. Groans came from the engine once in a while, the old car seemed to be nearing the end of its life.

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