Chapter Eleven

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"She called me!" Zay huffed. "Vanessa is all the way in Texas, and she wants to try this distance thing. And if it doesn't work, I'll be back in the friendzone. Yet again. For the last five years." Zay banged the back of his head against his locker, groaning in agony for two reasons: for the girl he can't have and for the pain the locker had on his poor head.

"Is she planning on visiting you?" Farkle replied curiously.

"She's visiting around Christmas time."

"Oh. So that's not much of an issue, it's only November. And plus, it's almost over." He patted his back supportingly as Zay's lip quivered in sadness. As Zay was on the verge of actually crying in school, Riley approached the two. Immediately noticing her presence, Zay sniffed and leaned off of his locker, holding his head high.

"What? Um, Vanessa who?" He attempted at playing cool as Riley chuckled.

"Really curious to meet this person. She must be something special." She said as she took her water bottle out of the pocket of her backpack. "The mysterious ice cream girl." Farkle laughed at this even though it was kind of lame. But it was Riley, so it was an exception.

"Ha-ha." Zay rolled his eyes with a small smile. "Hey, anyone know where Maya and Lucas are?"

"Maybe they decided to hook up." Farkle laughed as Riley nudged him hard in his arm, causing the boy to yelp. Lucas walked down the hall by himself, looking like a hot mess. They all raised their brows at his appearance.

"Did you forget to brush your hair this morning? Did you even sleep last night? Lucas, are you sick my friend?" Zay interrogated, grabbing his wrists in a need to know.

"I'm fine I'm fine. I didn't really get much sleep as you said." Lucas said as his friend released the grip on his arms.

"And why?" Zay wondered, raising a brow mischievously. Lucas rolled his eyes as he yawned.

"Studying for the chem test. Remember? Zay paled as Farkle and Riley stared at him questionably.

"I didn't study. I didn't study!" He cried, slamming his face into the locker.

"Zay, you never actually study for those tests." Riley attempted at comforting, rubbing his shoulder. He huffed against the locker door.

"I'm trying to try this year." Zay mumbled against the cold metal locker.

"Not with those repetitive words you aren't!" She lectured, crossing her arms in disappointment.

The next few moments, Maya walked in with tired eyes, leaning against her locker.

"Were you studying for a test too?" Farkle began as she met his eyes.

"Uh, yeah. Chemistry."

"Were you two sharing that study?" Zay smiled mischievously as he was once again elbowed by the brunette. Lucas looked down and blushed in annoyance as Maya awkwardly stepped farther from him, a big gap between them. Riley questionably glanced at Lucas as he ran a hand through his hair. Maya breathed awkwardly through her nose as she murmured a small bye as she hurried to class.


After school, Riley and Lucas were sitting at Topanga's, doing homework silently. Once in a while she'd pause and look at Lucas, but he didn't have a dazed look or anything. Flickering her eyes to his hand, she saw it shaking. And then noticed that his expression was now dazed as he set his pencil down. "Okay, I know you're expecting me to speak."

"Ding ding." She said with artificial enthusiasm. "What happened? Tell me everything."

"We were talking about general things, and then general things escalated to 8th grade graduation, and then we kissed. Many times, and-"

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