Chapter Twelve

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[A/N: Warning, mature due to attempted rape. Skip the italics if you don't feel comfortable reading this part. xxx]

[end of Freshman year]

"What are you doing here? I told you to leave me alone. I don't take cheaters back, you know." Maya folded her arms angrily as Josh suddenly came through her window. He smiled at her, but it wasn't his normal casual one, it was slanted, almost drunkenly.

"Hi Maya." Josh greeted, his words half slurred. She shook her head disappointingly, and sighed.

"Josh, go home. There's no use of you being here." She pointed toward her window. "You're drunk. You won't even remember this in the morning."

"Maya, I still,-hiccup-love you." He said as he stumbled closer to her. Josh wrapped his arms around her, leaning in for a kiss. Maya furrowed her brows and leaned away from it, taking his arms off of her.

"Josh, I said go home." She replied a little louder. Josh pressed his lips in a firm line as his brows furrowed.

"Don't tell me what to do." Josh spoke in a darker tone which Maya had never heard before. She nervously stepped back, but kept a brave face on.

"Go. Home." Maya repeated assertively, biting the inside of her cheek. "I'll call you tomorrow when you're sober, if that makes you feel any better." And just as she finished saying that, Josh grabbed her arm. Maya winced at the reaction, and spoke through her teeth. "Let me go."

Maya struggled to get out of his grip. "Josh seriously, your grip is hurting me." He didn't listen, but pushed her against her wall, keeping her pinned as his hands went from her arms to her jeans. "Get off!" She fought against him as he tried to unbutton her pants. "Josh, get off of me!" She cried, Josh slapping her across the face the next moment. Maya fell onto the ground, struggling as she felt her buttons becoming undone. Tears began to slide down her cheeks as she kept pushing him away.

As she kept on pushing him and frantically kicking anywhere she could reach, she could hear footsteps coming up the stairs. Josh began to slide his hands up her upper thigh, the girl yelping as she let out a loud scream, squirming even more than before. Her door flew open, revealing to be her mother, her eyes fierce and bulged out.

"Maya!" She screamed, and immediately ran over and managed to pull Josh off of her. "Get the hell off of my daughter, you jackass!" Katie angrily yelled, punching Josh square in the face as Maya scrambled off of the floor. "Maya, call the police."

Maya reached for her phone, her legs aching from the amount of pressure and the repetitive times Josh sunk his nails into them, crying as she called the police.

"9-1-1, what's your emergency?" She heard the police say into her ear, almost sounding like a distant echo. The blonde closed her eyes as she took deep steady breaths, feeling the room spinning all around her between the sounds of her mother's screaming and the police's voice in her ear.


"I know she she said she needed some space, but it's been a whole week." Farkle said in a quiet voice to his friends. Riley shrugged and sighed depressingly.

"She won't even answer my text messages." She shook her head, the three of them looking over at Lucas who seemed pretty quiet. He looked at each of them and held his hands up helplessly.

"This can't just be my fault. Riley, you even told me to go to her." He said as Zay and Farkle looked at her with annoyance. She exhaled and bit her lip in thought.

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