Chapter Fourteen

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It was quiet for the rest of the remaining week. The two were both unintentionally checking their cellphones for any source of contact from one another. To see if anyone was going to text or leave any voicemails, but nothing was said. It was just quiet.

And it seemed to piss Riley Matthews off the most. The girl who was always cheerful, always bubbly in the morning, began to frown. And if that girl started frowning, you know very well that something is definitely out of place wrong. She watched as the two walked past each other like strangers in the hallway, and felt her blood boil with frustration.

At one point, she screamed, "what the hell is wrong with you two?" In the hallway. This caused a couple of people to stare at her like she had two heads, and for Maya and Lucas to exchange looks, and run away from each other. Riley grumbled and banged the back of her head against the locker, muttering an "ow" the next moment.

So on this wonderful wonderful day, Riley came in with another sad empty look in her eyes. Zay and Farkle both widened their eyes and approached her before she could stop in front of them.

"Riley, are you feeling alright?" Zay asked with an incredulous tone. Farkle stepped forward and lifted the corners of her mouth with his fingers, trying to make her smile. Gently, the boy let go and unfortunately like Maya's previous grades, it dropped.

"Where's my smiley Riley?" Farkle pouted as the girl stuck out her bottom lip for more exaggeration.

"She's gone. Now it's pouty Riley." She began to slide down her locker, but both boys helped her stay up and secure her.

"This must be really serious if we're losing you." Zay commented, his eyes meeting Farkle's worriedly. She gripped a strap on her backpack and groaned as the two began to walk from different directions in the hallway.

"Are you serious?" She whined, stomping her foot. "They won't even walk in together anymore.

"We have to do something else about this. Now it's just ridiculous." Farkle furrowed his brows. Zay paused for a moment, his thinking face on. Riley looked at him in surprise.

"Our other plan just failed. How do you have another idea?"

"Do you have an idea?" Farkle asked, noticing the look on his friend's face.

"This better be a good one. And maybe a better one then operation MRLY?" Both boys whipped around to meet her gaze in surprise. Riley let out a chuckle. "Yes. Maya told me after I informed her that I knew about some peculiar plan someone made. Clever name, by the way."

Farkle shrugged. "Fair enough."

"HMAL." Zay exclaimed out of nowhere.

"What?" Both Riley and Farkle said at the same time.

Zay rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Operation Handcuff Maya and Lucas. Duh."

"Where are you going to get a bunch of handcuffs-" right then and there, Zay pulled a pair out of his backpack. "And.. Why is that in there?"

Zay smiled sheepishly. "Well, I am the school prankster. Always gotta have the equipment." The two continued to stare curiously at the boy. "What? Would you like me to use the whoopee-cushion? I don't think that'd get us far."

"Oh Zay." Riley patted his back with sarcastic sympathy. "What would we do without you?"


During History, Maya and Lucas were sitting next to each other-curse the assigned seating chart!- and were both looking down at their papers, bubbling in certain answers. Riley's eyes slowly met Zay's, who was sitting behind the both of them. It was a little different this year in terms of the seating. Instead of the rows, it was a big desk for two people to sit in pairs.

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