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"I can't come and pick you up.Take the bus Alana"-my mom said through the phone obviously annoyed

"The bus? Seriously mom?"

"Yes seriously .And you may need to go fill in for Jenny tonight at the cafe"

-Little did she know ,that bus ride and that shift were gonna change her life

Chapter one- Bus girl
(Alanas POV)

Hello I'm Alana Dayes.A normal 17 year old who lives in the crowded but yet breathtakingly beautiful city of New York.

I go to high school here.I love art,and anything that has to do with it,including music.unfortunately I can't sing,but I can play the piano.I love expressing my self through drawings,I wanna become an artist or a fashion designer.Still not sure

My mom is a real estate agent,my dad is a businessman.He owns a couple of restaurants,and a small cafe in the west part of the town.My dad is the most perfect person I've ever meet.We share a special bond because he just understands me,and I'm his favorite child but shhh it's a secret

I have a older brother-Brandon.He's the overprotective brother who doesn't even let me breathe -LITERALLY!

My mom and Brandon would go crazy only at the thought of me dating someone,they tend to be overprotective,especially my mom..

Maybe that's the reason I've never had a boyfriend..Ever

I haven't even had my first kiss

I also have a younger sister,Nora.What should I tell you about her..She's 14 turning 15 really soon.She goes to school and loves biology.But her main priority is fangirling.It's like her job.She's crazy about Shawn Mendes.Literally

She talks about him so much even I know what's happening with him or where he is.She listens to his songs so much even I know them.It's annoying

I'm not saying that I don't like him.I like his voice and his lyrics but that's it..it gets annoying listening to Nora talk about him non-stop.

I just finished school for today

"See you tomorrow?"-Skylar my best friend called

"Sure"-I smiled.Skylar is really outgoing and wild.She gets into trouble,parties alot and drinks till she can't remember a damn thing.She can't really keep a secret,but I still love her to death.You might ask yourselves,why?

Well it's mostly because she was there for me when no one else was.I could count on her

I diall my dear mother.She picks me up from school everyday,cause I'm too scared to drive myself.I still don't have my drivers license

"Hello"-she answered

"Mom hey,I finished school.Can you come and pick me up"-I asked

"Lana I'm really busy right now.I can't pick you up today "

"What do you mean you can't?"

"I can't come and pick you up.Take the bus Alana"-my mom said through the phone,obviously annoyed

"The bus? Seriously mom?"

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