27/That's not how you throw a punch.That's how you break your knuckles

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Breakfast has never been this awkward

At least not in our house.

Here we were,all together sitting on the table,chewing quietly the pancakes that my mom had made for breakfast.Nora was starring at Shawn,Shawn was looking at me,I was looking at my parents whose eyes were shifting from me to Shawn and Brandon...Well,he was looking at his food.

"So.."-my dad dragged.Thanks dad for breaking the awkwardness-"Are you feeling alright today?"

"Yeah,I'm much better.."-I smiled.It was true,ever since Shawn made love to me last night,I completely forgot how Sebastians hands felt.All I was left with now were memories of those days

"Well we're glad to hear that"-My mom smiled as I grabbed Shawns hand in mine

"Okay I know you have a lot of questions "-I started-"So let's talk through it"

This was ridiculous.I could see it in their eyes that they were dying to ask me questions

"How long have you been dating each other?"-my mom asked-"I mean,when we found out you were already dating.Oh and how did you meet?"

I looked at Shawn,caressing his hand with my thumb I urged him to answer.And so he did-"Well Mrs.Dayes,we've been dating for nearly 2 months now,but we were friends for 2 other months before we started dating.So we've known each other for 4 months now.We met in your caffee,Lana was there to work instead of one of your employees."

"What happened while you were in that warehouse Alana?"-My dad asked and suddenly my throat felt tight.I wasn't ready to talk about it.Suddenly I could feel Beatrice,as if she was here.I could feel everything they'd done to me. Automatically my hands went to my neck and collar bone.Shawn noticed and squeezed my hand,reminding me that I shouldn't let them get to me.I give him a smile,

I cleared my throat-"After the people's choice,Spencer came to pick me up from the airport.I did notice that Spencer was driving me somewhere that I've never been too.However he told me it was just another way to the house because the main road was closed due to an accident.I typed Shawns number,just in case anything happened..When Spencer stopped the car infront of the warehouse I called Shawn,but suddenly someone placed a napkin over my nose and mouth and I passed out"

I could see the tears on my parents eyes.I could feel my voice shaking but I needed to let this out.-"I woke up 2 days after,I was greeted by a girl named Vicky.She cut through my skin with a small knife and told me that she,Sebastian and Beatrice had kidnaped me"

Shawns body stiffened beside at the mention of their names.His hand was pulled into fists and his jaw was clenched -something he always did when he was angry.

"But why would they kidnap you?"-my dad asked-"I don't understand "

"Vicky is Shawns ex,she wanted revenge because I was dating him.Sebastian wanted to rape me so he could hurt Shawn.And Beatrice,she wanted to wipe me off the surface of the earth because she's mentally sick and obsessed with Shawn"-I explained

"So it all came down to him"-My mom spoke emotionless.I took a look at her.She was still hoping I'd leave him-"You were nearly raped and killed because of him"

"Watch your words mom."-I warned-"Because I was safest when I was with Shawn.If you would have never hired Spencer this wouldn't have happened.If it wasn't for Shawn I would've been six feet under ground right now and not in this dining table with you"

She started crying-"I'm so sorry sweetheart.I didn't want any of this to happen,I wanted to protect you.I can't believe that this happened"

I got up my chair and went next to her.As she sobbed I hugged her tightly-"It's okay mom.I know you meant good"

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