25/If I ruined your pretty face,would he still love you?

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Beas POV


Shawn finally understood that he deserved better than that pathetic bitch.Lana,she was pretty-I'll give her that.But Shawn was mine,always had been.Everything was going fine for me after Vicky cheated on him,he got closer to me-he would actually open up to me.But then she came along and ruined everything.

Huh,she's probably on her way back to New York right now.

Making my way out of Andrews room,a smile grew on my face.I would go over to Shawns room and seduce him,I would also teach him a very important lesson-I always get whatever the hell I want.I walked past his door,stopping infront of the door,I placed my ear on the door trying to hear what Shawn was doing.I heard a laugh

"I love you so much"-I heard a feminine voice giggling.My blood boiled

Shawn talked back,I'd recognize his voice anywhere-"Alana I truly love you"

My eyes widen in surprise.Holy fucking shit.They'd played me..I fell into the trap immediately by sending her the text message.My cover is blown out-they know that I'm the one who's sending the texts.

Oh Alana Dayes you're gonna pay for this.To say that I was angry was a total understatement..As soon as I get my hands around her pretty neck I will kill her

Dialing the last number I called I spoke furiously-"Change of plans.The second part of the plan needs to happen tomorrow"

Alanas POV

The day came out very fast and we just landed down to New York.I didn't sleep at all last night,which probably explains the fact why I'm exhausted.I texted my dad to let him know that I've arrived.

"Where's Bea by the way?"-I asked Shawn

"I have no idea.No one has seen her since last night. Apparently she told Lexi that she had some personal things to take care of"-Shawn shrugged

My dad texted me back telling me that Spencer would come and pick me up.

"Are you sure you don't want me to drive you home?"-Shawn asked for the one hundredth time.I chuckled getting on my tippy toes and firmly pressed my lips against his.Now I could finally kiss him in public ,considering the fact that everyone knows about us.

"Yes Shawn,I'm sure.I don't wanna push my dads buttons"-I shrugged-"Besides,now that they know about you,they'll probably invite you over for dinner or something"

"Mphh I can't wait"-he breathed out,his chin resting on my head.He placed a kiss on the top of my head


He chuckled shaking his head-"I'm going to meet with McCahllen today.I'm gonna make sure that you're safe"

"Mhmm I'm liking this overprotective act"-I laughed into his chest


"Yep.I don't know if it's cute or hot to be honest"

He chuckled shaking his head-"It's definitely hot"-he smiles-"So what are you doing today?"

"I don't know"-I shrugged-"Maybe I'll call Skylar for a sleepover"

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