23/Just drop it.You've done enough

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"Lex just calm down! She'll be here"-I try to calm Lexi down.She's been roaming around the room for too long now.She's stressed out

"Where the hell is she?"-She says letting out a breath while trying to call Bea again.Let me explain what has happened

Lexi sent Bea to get the dresses that Lexi had ordered for me for the people's choice awards.But Bea has been out for hours now and she's nowhere to be seen.She isn't answering her phone either.So we're pretty much stuck

Just before Lexi was about to have another mental breakdown the door flew open revealing a breathless Bea holding 2 dresses

"Fucking hell Bea!"-Lexi sighed-"Where the hell were you?"

"Sorry! I ..there was a lot of traffic"-Bea explained as she left the dresses on the table

"Ever heard of a thing called mobile phone?"-Lexi rolled her eyes

"Ever heard of a thing called no battery?"-Bea shot back.I got up and looked at the dresses.They were both gorgeous

"Which one am I gonna wear?"-I asked Lexi

"Try them both!"-Lexi said excitedly.

I tried both of the dresses,which lead us to the next problem..they were both perfect.They both hugged perfectly every single part of my body.

The red one was magical..But the blue one was just incredibly beautiful and shit...I had no idea which one I liked best

"Gosh"-Lexi ran her fingers through her hair.-"I have no idea..Absolutely no idea.Which one do you like best?"

"I can't decide"-I answered truthfully

After thinking for 20 minutes we decided to leave the red one.I would wear the blue one on another event

"Okay,now the hair and the makeup.Don't remove the dress.We're kinda late anyways"-Lexi suggested and I nod in approval

"Lex I-"-Shawn enters the room-"Woah.."

I laugh at his reaction

"You look beautiful baby"-he smiled and my heart flutters..like it does everytime he calls me that

Lexi rolled her eyes at him-"What do you need Mendes?"

"Um I was going to say that I can't tie my bow thing"-he explained as he walked towards us,struggling with his bow tie

"Come here"-I extend my arm and start fixing his bow.He leans in and gives me a kiss

"Gosh Shawn "-Lexi exhaled-"Can you save the spit swapping for later!"

He chuckled raising his hands in surrender-"Okay okay"

I laughed at him.Before I could even comprehend what was happening I felt Beas hot coffee all over my body.Fucking hell.I look down at the dark brown circles that were now marked on my dress

Bea just ruined my dress.Lexis and Shawns mouth dropped open as Bea got up the ground.The thing is..I'm not sure Bea did that on accident

"Oh gosh Lana I'm so sorry!"-She said as she grabbed my dress and started rubbing a piece of cloth over it,trying to remove the coffee stain...She was only making it worse

"You know what.."-I said taking a deep breath,my hands shaking from anger.I was fuming-"Just drop it!"

She looked at me and then at Shawn,who didn't look very pleased either.His jaw was clenched as he stared at my now ruined dress

"Bea how can you be so careless!"-Lexi sounded even angrier than I did-"Lana change into the blue one"

I nod as Shawn hugs me

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