13/They found out..My parents found out

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Alana: What do you want from me?

I stare at my phone..No response.I sigh as I get up and open the door,taking a deep breath I go over to Shawns bedroom only to find him sitting on the edge of his bed,running his first through his hair

"I'm sorry"-I whisper as I sat next to him-"I shouldn't have snapped at you."

"It's okay"-he whispered back-"I didn't mean to push your buttons..I just wanted to help you"

I nod-"I know..And I promise you I will tell you when the time is right"


I bit my lip-"I don't want to fight with you Shawn"

He shook his head-"Neither do I"

I place my hand on his cheek,he looks at me before I lean in and give him a sweet kiss.-"You're the best thing that has ever happened to me"-I tell him,placing my head on his chest

"And you're mine"-he smiled at me

My phone rings up and I see that I've gotten a new message

Unknown: Oh I want nothing from you..except that boyfriend of yours..

I put my phone back on my pocket and hug Shawn-"Please never leave me"

"I won't "-he wrapped his arms around me-"I promise "


"Call me when you're home"-Shawn whispered as he pulled me in for a quick kiss

"Will do"

"I love you"

"I love you more"-I smile as I walk out his hotel room.We spend the last 2 hours cuddling and watching YouTube videos and let me tell you,it was so relaxing...I didn't want it to end

But unfortunately it did.The whole ride back home I sang along to the songs on the radio.I parked my dads car infront of my house and I ran to the entrance of the house since it was raining.I open the door and enter,hanging my jacket on the closet

"Alana"-my mom calls

"I'm home"-I yell back as I start walking to the living room

"Where were you?"-I heard her.I roll my eyes

"I already told you ma.I was at Skyl-"-My breath hitched when I enter the room and see Skylar standing right in the middle of the room with both my parents

Holy shit..What have I gotten myself into.

"Sky..What are you doing here?"-I ask awkwardly

"well I came here like 1 hour and a half ago to see you..but apparently you said you were coming over at me so we could study Math,cause I'm failing "-Skylar explained

My mom cleared her throat-"Care to explain Lana?"

Fuck my life-"Well yeah,I came over and saw that you weren't home..So I went to Starbucks for coffee "

"Lana..Quit lying"

My eyes widen and I look over at Skylar.'sorry' she mouthed over at me.She had told my mom..I was officially dead

"Why are you asking me when Skylar told you everything?"-I snap.-"How could you?"-I yell at Skylar-"you're supposed to be my best friend! You're supposed to help me but instead you can't keep a damn secret.."

"Lana I didn't mean to-"

I interrupt her-"I don't give a shit about what you meant! The point is you disappointed me AGAIN! I trusted you with this and you knew how important this was to me! I told you to keep your mouth shut but instead you came and told my mother? I can't believe this!"

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