6/You're on stage 2

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It's been 3 weeks since I first met Shawn at the cafe..sorry,the bus.I met him at the bus

We've been hanging out nearly everyday since then and let me tell you,we've had the time of our lives.Seriously,we've had so much fun and we've basically been inseparable.

Like for example now I'm going to the gym to exercise,with Shawn.I mean ,I've been working out at the gym for 2 years now..and one day I went there and met Shawn there.He told me it was his favorite gym in New York and that he exercises here every time he comes

So now we even go to the gym together.I entered the gym and change into my exercising clothes.I put my hair in a ponytail and go out the dressing room only to see that Shawn had already begun working out.I must say,he is much more sculpted than he looks

I mean look at those muscles..Okay Lana focus.I walk over to him-"Hey traitor "

"Oh god,you're finally here"-he laughed getting off the treadmill-"I started without,I hope you don't mind"

I laughed -"I mind it so much I won't be able to sleep at night,really"-I say sarcastically

"Well aren't you sarcastic"

"Oh I speak fluent sarcasm"-I tell him

"I've noticed that"-he laughed,we started working out.First treadmill to warm up the muscles and then I decided today I was going to exercise my legs

I started exercising as my eyes wonder around the gym.I see Shawn walking towards me,shirtless.For a second I forget.. how do humans even breathe?

I take a deep breath and try to ignore him,but he makes it harder when he sits next to me

"You're distracting me"-I tell him,still exercising -"And why the hell aren't you wearing a shirt?"

He smirked-"Why the hell are you wearing a shirt?"

"Perv"-I say as I sit next to him,laying my head on his arm.I close my eyes for a minute and take a deep breath-"Did you finish your exercises?"

"Yep,I did.You?"

"Yeah,I'm done for today "-I tell him-"I don't feel quite well actually "

"Really? What's wrong?"

"I have a headache and I feel kinda sick"

"Sucks to be you"-he pouts-"I hope you feel better soon"

"Thank you"

"So we're not going to the Central Park this evening?"-he asked

"Maybe another day"


We both go to the dressing room and change before saying goodbye to each other.I walk home since its not to far.My parents are probably home already.I walked into my house

"I'm home"-I yell before going upstairs.I immediately take a shower and get into my pajamas.December is almost here and I'm excited about it..but I always,and I mean always catch a flu in the end of November and I think that's what happening right now

I go downstairs only to see my family all seated in the dining table-"Hello"

"Hey Lana"-Nora says happily-"Guess what?"

"What's up Nor?"

"I may be getting Shawn tickets,meet and greet "

If only she knew

"I'm happy for you Nors"-I tell her as I grab my food plate and sit down-"Mom could you give me a paracetamol? I think I'm catching a flu"

"Are you sure honey?"-She asked

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