10/Meet and Greet

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Self reminder

Talking to someone after you kiss and confess your feelings to them makes things thousands of times more awkward!

Shawn and I haven't spoken at all in three days..probably because I've been ignoring him because I feel weird .I'm not gonna lie...I miss him.I miss his presence,his laugh,his humor..I miss it all

The kiss is like a cd-replaying into my head millions of times.It was so perfect..his soft lips against mine,it was like nothing I'd ever experienced in my life.

Right now I'm laying in my back,staring at the ceiling while listening to sad love songs.I was in my own peace before Nora bursted through my door like a maniac-"Lana! How aren't you ready yet?"

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion-"Ready? For what?"

She raised her arms in the air,obviously giving up-"Please tell me you didn't forget!"

"About what?"

"Shawns concert today!"-She yells-"Lana we're meeting him today.."

Realization hits me like a ton of bricks.This was the day Nora had been waiting for her entire life and I had completely forgotten...I was a terrible sister.But I couldn't go.Not after what had happened between us-"Can't you just ask mom to come with you?"

"No..Lana you should come"

"Nors you wouldn't understand "

"Lana please! I've been waiting for this since I was 10..Mom doesn't know his songs..she won't scream out with me at the concert-"

I sighed,knowing that I kinda owed this to her..Also I knew that I couldn't push Shawn away any longer-"Fine.I'll be ready in 30 minutes"

Thank god I decided to take a shower earlier today.I got up my bed and decided what to wear..which was pretty hard if you ask me.I decided to wear a pair of jeans and a blouse.Once I did my makeup,I was all set to go.I go downstairs and grab my moms car keys

"Where's Nora?"-I ask her while grabbing my purse

"She's already waiting for you at the car"-my mom smiled while I put my shoes on-"You're doing a great thing..Taking her to the concert and stuff...I know you're not quite the fan of him"

Yeah right


I leave my house and get in the car.I started driving to the venue while Nora kept singing along to Illuminate,according to her lip-syncing the album before you go to the concert is actually a tradition.We had to be to the venue much earlier because we had the meet and greet passes.The whole way to the venue I could't help but think..

what the hell was I going to say to him?

I've been ignoring him..Dodging his calls

I'm literally the most stupid person to have ever walked on this earth.Why the hell did I ignore him? It just doesn't make any sense.I know it would have been more awkward for a couple of days but that doesn't give me the right to toy around with Shawns emotions.That's the last thing I want to do

I like him...Like really like him

And I'm scared of it.I'm scared of getting hurt.I'm scared of the thought that I might get him hurt..

"Lana"-Nora calls my name-"Look"

I look into the direction she was pointing at.There was a huge advert with Shawns image on it.I park the car as Nora drags me running through the line.We wait in line for a couple of minutes before the line starts moving,meaning that Shawn had begun meeting the fans.Nora couldn't stop jumping and biting her nails from all the overwhelming emotions.

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