Ring the Bell for Service

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My name is Kirisame Sutaa, and I guess you could say I'm the best when it comes to writing stories.

In fact, I AM the best at creative writing as a whole; which is exactly why I am about to be enrolled in one of the most prestigious school programs in all of the world.

This school only takes the best of the best in one area of expertise from modeling to cooking to sewing. This branch of the school in particular accepts students from ages 10 all the way to 18.

I remember when the invitational letter first arrived in the mail; addressed to me.

"Kirisame Sutaa:
You are invited to join this year's class alongside 15 other exceptional students to study the books and be taught the lessons of SUCCESS!
If you choose to attend, please make sure you go to our specified clinic to get all of your vaccinations and other shots and then arrive on campus by midnight tonight with your invitational letter to receive your student handbook and begin your amazing journey! If you are late, we will assume you are not coming and you will be replaced in the class roster. No exceptions.
Please do not concern yourself with bringing school materials 'nor clothing. We will not only supply you with everything you will need, but we will also send our school committee tomorrow to pick up your things and bring them to the campus.
I look forward to meeting you.
Signed, The Headmaster"

It's such a short and vague letter. It makes me nervous to think that they weren't giving us a lot of information before we go, but they will most likely explain everything else when I arrive at the school.

I hop out of the chair and grab my notebook and my favorite pencil. This trip will definitely inspire something wonderful for me to write about.

"I need to go to that clinic today then, I guess." I spoke to myself; moving to exit my room and head downstairs.

My mom rests in the den, watching television and listening to my small brother playing with figurines of police officers and criminals in the floor.

"Mom! I got accepted into that big school! I have to go today, let's go now, come on!" I tug on her arm causing her to jerk away.

"Are you joking? Why do you need to be there right now, and why aren't you packed?" She scowls at me as if I am pulling some kind of prank.

"Mother, I'm being serious, this is a big moment for me. I have to be there by midnight." I toss the letter and the directions that came with it onto her lap.

She picks up the letter and scans through it with a skeptical eye.

"Wow, I'm proud of you. I never expected you to do something with your life knowing that you spent all of your time cooped up in your bedroom."

She really does know how to give you a sense of accomplishment.

"Let's go please." I beg her, causing her to stand up and snatch her car keys from the coffee table and pull on her jacket without as much as a second glance. She is always pretty cold towards me, especially after my dad left us years ago. I think she really wants to blame me for what happened, but knows that I had nothing to do with it. Either way, it makes the room rather uncomfortable at times.

We were almost out of the door when she realized she left my little brother playing in the living room.
I guess I can't deny where I got my poor memory from...

The car ride to the clinic is long, but far from boring.

I love to look out of the window and think about how I could just open up the door and fly away from everything. There are no bars to hold me back, or someone telling me I can't leave. To be quite honest, one of my biggest fears is not being free.

In anime, the characters can jump up and soar away from their problems, and that's how I feel. I've never felt like I was caged up or been held back from following my dreams.

This feeling was sure to change.


I wander into the halls of the clinic with my mother at my side and my trusty notebook in my hands. My little brother trots along behind me entertaining himself by staring at the weird medical posters and making faces at the fish bubbling carelessly in their tiny tank.

There is a strange lack of nurses around, which is quite alarming in a huge clinic like this. It has to be a good 8 stories tall at least.

As we approach the help desk, I begin to notice something off about the room. The lights were dimming and fading slowly and there were no people at all waiting.

I remember noticing almost a full parking lot of cars, so seeing no one in the main lobby scares me.

"Um...hello? I'm here to get my daughter's pre-enrollment check-up."  My mother taps the bell sitting on the desk violently, but no one is there to help. The whole situation is eerie and unsettling to experience.

The lights still fade ever so slightly and I'm beginning to think I am hallucinating it all.

I am awoken from my trance by the sound of glass shattering behind me and a weak scream of terror. Twirling around I see my little brother laying in the floor; soaking wet and surrounded by broken glass and flipping fish struggling to breathe after losing their safe haven of water.

My mother rushes over to him yelling and calling out for help. I wonder if she would do that for me?

No one comes to help us and I'm actually very concerned by this point. Why is no one here at all?
I stand by the empty help desk and watch my mother carry my weeping brother to the restroom.

The lights still fade more and more. Flickering and twitching until they just cut off suddenly.

The room is no longer illuminated and only the faint light of the sunset creeping through the few windows in the waiting room are visible. I take a deep breath and begin to make my way towards the restroom door where I saw my mother go just seconds earlier.

I murmur encouragement to myself, creeping along through the darkness and being careful not to slip on the puddle of water expanding near me.

"You're fine Kiri, it's just a power outage."

I almost reach the restroom door when I hear a faint sound that stops me in my tracks.

The sound of the desk bell ringing just as I collapse to the floor.

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