All Movement Ceases

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"Attention all patients! The following message is one of the most important of those you may hear; so listen up."

She clears her throat.

"As you all may have thought, this is not any old normal hospital stay. You are ineligible to willingly leave." The temperature in the room seems to shift on it's own; just like when Mom used to turn on the air conditioner when it was already 50 degrees in the house. I really do miss her like never before. Where is she really?

"At this hospital, you are a permanent resident. However, there is ONE and only ONE way to escape."

A light chuckle booms throughout the room.

"You must murder a fellow patient. Whether that be poisoning, stabbing, beating, chopping, slicing, injecting, shooting, strangling, drowning, pushing, hanging, hitting, crushing, or anything really. As long as it kills them forever."

The sound of an announcement like that is really something shocking. Any typical person would go into denial just as I am. It's already such a ridiculous notion to ask a bunch of kids to kill each other, but maybe when paired with trapping them in a hospital and not letting them leave, it could happen easily.

My body shudders at the thought of some crazy kid with the desire to leave attempting to get rid of me forever. After all, I just met these people. Actually, I haven't even really met all of them. I am such an easy target. What if someone is already planning to murder me?

"Anyway, that's all I really need to say. Make sure you get lots of rest tonight; because you will have your daily group activities next. The cafeteria will also be open tomorrow morning with a full breakfast ready, so make sure you're awake bright and early!" Her cheerful attitude really does not match the dark and burning hot feeling inside of me. I feel sick, as if I need to vomit. I could definitely use some water.

I glance over at the sink in the corner. I don't feel like getting up and walking around in the hallway to get water, so I guess I can just stick my head under the flow of the sink water.

I slide out of the bed and walk over to it, giving the nozzle a gentle push. No water emerges from the sink. I push the other nozzle as well, but it does not work either. How strange.

I move the nozzles again and again desperate for a drop in the least. I really don't want to leave my room.

In the middle of my tampering with the sink; I jump to the sound of a voice behind me.

"The water in the bedrooms turns off after the nightly announcements. If you are thirsty, you can go down to the second floor and swing by the courtesy free vending machine."
A short young girl wearing a knee-length, white frilly dress stands behind me. Her eyes are vacant, but innocent baby blues staring right back at me, and her platinum blonde hair is long past her waist even though it's tied up into a pony tail with a white bow.

I back away in fear. The girl isn't scary by any means, but the fact that she is in my LOCKED room is. I've read and even written many a story about little demon girls feasting on the souls of their unsuspecting victims. I maybe even have a few unfinished drafts in my sweet-sweet notebook...

I feel the tears of my tragic loss jerking at my eyes.

Kirisame! This is NOT the time for this behavior.

"Um, who are you? Lilianna?" I back even closer towards the door.

"No." The little girl grins at me.
"People just call me Cease."

Wow, what are parents naming their kids these days? Next thing you know I'm gonna meet a Stop, and a Halt.

I chuckle to myself.

"Well...I'm Kirisame. You have a cute name."

"I wish I could say the same about you, but-"

"Hey! What do you mean?" My cheeks turn red in humiliation. A little girl just insulted me.

She giggles and skips past me.

"Oh you're too funny. I'll have to hang out with you again sometime. Bye for now, Kirisame." She pulls open my door and exits, closing it behind her in a fit of laughter.

"What a rude kid."

Taking the time to process what just happened, I step out into the hallway and glance around. Nothing is out of the ordinary; the lights are dimmer than they were earlier. All the doors seem to be closed too. Cease 'ceased' to remain in the hallway as well.

I smile at how clever I am, right before realizing the announcement from earlier. Here I am in the middle of the hallway smiling at myself for odd reasons. I'm super  vulnerable.

I move my feet faster than usual; reaching the elevators in almost no time.

The elevator cracks and pops loudly on the way down to the second floor. I think to myself that when those doors swing open, someone could be standing right there, holding a knife waiting for me to emerge.

I shake my head to clear away those thoughts. I'm sure everyone is safe and sound in their rooms scared to death as I was before.

I lean against the railing as the elevator descends. Come on, come on. It's taking way too long to move down two floors.

I wait quietly longer and longer. The doors don't open. Even the elevator feels as if it has stopped moving. Time doesn't seem to be flowing around me any longer.

"What the hell?" I hit the door with my fists.

"Don't tell me it's stuck! NO!"

Suddenly, I hear a pop above me and the lights go out. I stand in the pitch black all by myself. At least, I hope I'm by myself.

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