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I feel the burn of tears pushing at my eyelids, blinking rapidly to rid myself of them.

"I should've taken the stairs! Ugh!"

I bang on the elevator doors as hard as I can, hoping maybe someone will hear it and let me out somehow.

After an estimate of five minutes I stop hitting the door and crouch to the floor.

Maybe I'll just die in here; preventing someone else from killing me later. Hell, I'm already thirsty. No. I can't do that. I have so many dreams and goals I want to reach in life.

My desire to live empowers me enough to stand up and scream at the top of my lungs. The air rushes out of my body in an uncontrollable cry for help.


The lights turn back on and the elevator doors slide open as if nothing happened.

Yes! I cheer, running out of the elevator and crashing right into another person.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! Here let me help you up." I say to the lean boy helplessly sprawled across the floor.

"T-thank you." He takes my hand and I pull him up. He has beautiful dark hair and the cutest button nose I've ever seen on a male before. He's also surprisingly fashionable.

"What are you doing out here this late? It's not" I ask.

"Well that's... No reason really." His cheeks turn red, like a flower blooming on each cheek.

"Oh, well okay then. I'm just gonna g-"

"I can't find my room number." He says quickly to interrupt me.

"Oh, well I can take you down to the reception desk to find it. If you would like?"

Here I am, getting myself involved without another's problems in a situation where I should probably be doing anything but that.

"I hope it's not too much trouble. What is your name, if I may ask?" He holds out his hand for me to shake.

"I'm Kirisame, but please just call me Kiri; most do." I shake his hand. His big brown eyes give off a look of sternness.

"Cool...I'm Soira. Nice to meet you I guess." He tugs the huge scarf tied around his neck up over his mouth and then stuffs his hands in his pockets.

"Well. Before we go to the desk, I could really use some water. It's kind of what I came to get." I lead him towards the hallway, looking around in search of the vending machines.

"So, what do you think about all of this?" I break the ice.

"It's definitely an unusual experience. After that announcement was made, it all came together for me. I didn't understand why all the doors were locked, or why we were all 'admitted' here in this strange pattern, but the fact that we have to kill eachother. That's just scary. I even thought I heard screaming a few minutes ago."

He must be talking about me; how embarrassing.
"Yeah... I'm really confused on the motives too. Why would someone do this type of thing to human-beings?"

I spot the machines sitting in a cove in the hallway, and approach them to admire their contents.
Lots of water bottles were lined up in neat rows. A few sodas sat below. The second machine just held snacks of all sorts. The machine has no money insertion slots whatsoever.

"I've never seen a vending machine that gives free food and drinks. That surely must be expensive over time. Who could do something like this?" Soira tells me.

"Yeah, this whole place is kind of odd; almost something out of storybook." I reply as I pull my water from the opening at the bottom of the machine.

"Did someone mention a STORY!?" A loud voice screams from behind me, but it doesn't sound like Soira.

I spin around and scream at the sight of a slender boy peering into my soul as close as he can be.

Soira takes a step back, seemingly ready to run away.

"Who are you!?" The boy questions, getting closer and closer as he examines my face.

I tell him my name and he backs away from my face, looking up at the sky.

"Yes you are indeed. My name is Mikaela, known to you as Mika, I'm only like the best storyteller in the world."

"Good to know." I say while backing away uncomfortably.

"I'm glad we had this meeting, Kirisame. I think fate brought us together." He nods at me and then turns to Soira and nods again.

"Alright let's go Soira. I'm getting tired. Let's find your room." I take his hand and pull him away from Mika, headed towards the stairs this time.

We are silent on the descent to the ground floor, step after step pass by. The silence in the stairwell is anxiety inducing, I have suspicions of an axe murderer around every corner. Maybe someone listening from the darkness to pounce on unsuspecting victims.

It could be anyone. Maybe someone I met today.
even Momo.
And I'm sure there are others I haven't met yet. They would have no problem killing me if it meant their freedom.

What about me though? Will I have to stay here forever, or will I have to kill someone before they kill me?

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