Checking In

111 10 20

My eyes slowly slide open to the sight of what seems to be a hospital room.

In the corner sits a bunch of large clear containers holding bandaids, swabs, popsicle sticks, and various other medical supplies. The supplies rest next to a small sink and in the floor is a trash can; one of those types that have push lids that you can spin over and over again. That really brings back memories of my little brother who somehow enjoyed playing with them.

"My brother!" I suddenly remembered what had happened. He must have knocked over the fish tank and gotten hurt.

Where is my family? Surely my mother wouldn't leave me here alone. Would she?

My body is weak, but I'm not going to let that stop me from figuring out what's going on.

I notice that my clothes from home are still on me, and that my fluffy boots are in the floor near the door. Did my mom take them off for me and put me in this bed?

I slink towards the door and wiggle the handle gently allowing it to click and open the door.
Peeping my head outside, I see a long hallway with other brown doors just like the one to my room. This must be where they keep the patients.

I grab my shoes from the floor and use the wall as a support to help me travel to the end of the hallway.

Strangely, the lights are not dimming or messing up like earlier, they shine perfectly in a straight line across the corridor.

Making my way down the hallway, I feel a hand grip my shoulder.

I turn around to see a tall man wearing a fancy black suit.
His dark hair is slick and really shines in the fluorescent lights of the hall, and his eyes are a piercing shade of green that seems to reek of arrogance.

"W-who are you?" I back away slightly; not sure why he chose to grab my shoulder the way he did.

"Well, I could most certainly ask you the same thing. What is your purpose here?" He scoffs rudely at me.

"I'm Kirisame...and I don't know honestly. I was here to get my pre-enrollment shots from the clinic but something strange happened and I woke up in that room down there." I point towards the room to show him what I mean.

"Interesting." He looks me up and down and then focuses his attention at the end of the hallway and walks away.

What an ass.

I follow the man down the hallway, turning a few times, and eventually I reach a flight of stairs and a set of elevators. I hear the click of the man's shoes on the steps, and I really don't feel like following after him in my weakened state; so it looks like the elevator will do.

I smash the down button assuming I can return to the lobby where my mother and little bro should still be.

The button lights up and, after a few seconds, the doors fly open.

I climb aboard and look at my options. There are 8 stories, a ground floor, a basement, and some other button that is not labeled which is pretty confusing.
I am on the 4th floor, so I press the G on the metallic pad and the doors slide closed in front of me.

I feel the pressure change as the elevator begins it's descent to where I was earlier. I really hope my family is there waiting on me.

As the elevator passes each floor, my anxiety gets stronger and stronger. Something deep down tells me that they won't be there and that something bad may have happened to them.

I hear the tiny ding and the doors slowly open to reveal a room full of different teenagers, roughly around my age, all standing around talking to one another. I even notice the rude man from earlier amongst them.

Danganronpa (With Your Characters)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora