Chapter 14

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Jasmine squinted her eyes to adjust to the dim light. She had long given up on trying to free her arms from the ropes that restrained her. Her bright red and cut wrists were evidence that she had tried. Her legs were bound as well, in such a way that her feet were held tightly against the legs of the chair. The only sound that reached her ears was the soft pitter-patter of rain outside the building. She had absolutely no idea where she was. Suddenly she heard the sound of footsteps in the mud and hushed whispering. Her breath hitched as a door groaned, then opened. The sound of rain was louder for a few moments until the door was slammed shut. The whispering was barely audible.

"When you said you wanted to summon her extravagantly I didn't think you meant you meant kidnapping her! Have you been drinking again?!" whispered -yelled a male voice. Jasmine felt like she had heard that voice before but she wasn't able to identify it.

"I. Got. Bored! You know exactly what happens when I get bored!" replied a female voice.

"Castiel? Aaliyah? Is it you?" asked Jasmine, her voice muffled slightly by the bag on her head.

"Shut it Jasmine the adults are talking!" snapped the female voice.

The male, supposedly Castiel, sighed.

"Yes it is us, Jasmine. Oh goodness gracious Aaliyah what if people think she actually went missing!"

"Relax, I disarmed the security in that sector of the building for about ten minutes and she's not that big yet anyways. I doubt anyone who's awake would have noticed," replied Aaliyah.

"Okay why am I tied to a chair and can someone please get this bag off my head?!" demanded Jasmine.

"I said shut it Jasmine!" yelled Aaliyah.

Castiel groaned in agitation and quickly yanked the bag off her head.

"What is wrong with you people!?" screeched Jasmine.

"I honestly have no idea what's wrong with this one," confessed Castiel pointing at Aaliyah. Aaliyah swatted him on the shoulder lightheartedly

"If you're here, who's looking after Tabitha?" asked Jasmine.

Aaliyah waved her off.

"Relax I got that covered."

"So Jasmine, I believe you've heard of the term Chryoskoni before?"

"Just recently, but yes I have."

"You see, Chryoskoni are a result of Rowan Crewe and Isolde deGrey's union. He was mortal whilst she carried the blood of a forest dweller. They had kids and the Chryoskoni or the 'gold dust' race was created. It's believed that we all carry the spirit of Isolde deGrey so we are able draw superhuman strength from the natural environment around us which makes us almost unstoppable in battle. When endangered the Chryoskoni heritage acts like a sixth sense and gets us out of harm's way."

Aaliyah spoke up.

"And judging from the results of your assessment, we are uber duberly certain that that was one of the best demonstratations of Chryoskoni strength in the past fifty-something years."

"What makes you think I'm Chryoskoni?" asked Jasmine.

Aaliyah leaned forward.

"Honey, if Eluard, a qualified high level elite, failed to kill a fiora with the appropriate weaponry and you were able to, with a bread knife might I add, can you really blame us? Honestly we've been suspecting it since the day you arrived here. Not just anyone survives an encounter with fiora poisoning and lives."

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