Chapter 29

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Warning: A tad bit lengthy

Coirwen and the other leaders had just left the building at precisely 3pm leaving Roxanne in charge. It was the final meeting they would have before driving out to Freybank and Jasmine was extremely nervous. Could many things go wrong? Yes. Would they be able to blame those things on her? Most likely. Was there a chance that they'd find dead hostages and end up being captured? Not impossible. All these questions and scenarios bounced around her head.

It was going to be her first major mission with the Corps. And it was one that would determine the lives of many.

"Soldiers get dressed. Disguise yourself as good as possible," said Roxanne, handing out the uniforms she had managed to obtain.

Jasmine held hers in her shaking hands before slipping the uniform over her clothes. Gabriel and Brooke did so quickly, Ryan still looking at his doubtfully.

"Those of you working on the diversion put on your black suits and grab a tool belt. You'll need that to mess with the power in the building and they have a few explosives just in case. There are paintball pistols in there too, use then to disarm the cameras."

Vivian and Luke grabbed their equipment and left to get dressed in the almost skintight suits.

"As for the rest of you, the trucks will be arriving shortly and you'll need to go stock them up before we leave. Everyone gear up and get ready!" she shouted one last time before leaving the room to make a phone call.

Even though Castiel wasn't going with them, he had come for the meeting to tie a few last ends and give some advice so he said. (He was mainly there for Aaliyah, it really was no secret)

"Nervous?" asked Brooke, watching Jasmine struggle to button up her jacket due to her shaking.

"Is it really that obvious?"

"Yes, yes it is," said Brooke and Gabriel in unison.

Roxanne walked back into the room, saying a few last words into the phone.

"Looks like the trucks are here. Everybody clear out!"

As she had said, four trucks and one medic van were waiting for them just outside the gate. A young man, looking like he was in his early twenties, stepped out of one of the trucks fully dressed in military uniform. He had his chocolate brown hair in a neat quiff but had a rugged look to the rest of him. His dark eyes seemed to lighten up when he noticed them standing there.

"Not one word about this," warned Roxanne to Brooke.

Brooke looked between Jasmine and Gabriel in confusion. As far as she was concerned she didn't see anything that required her to keep her trap shut. That was until Roxanne walked up to him, smiling widely, and pressed a quick kiss to his lips.

Everyone gawked at them, wide eyed.

"This is Andrew Reeves, he works with the military," she announced. Andrew waved, a friendly smile on his face, "He'll be supervising the mission and monitoring you from the trucks since I won't be there to do so myself. Play nice and let's bring out boys home!"

The group cheered in agreement and made their way to the vehicles waiting for them. Brooke, however was keen on finding out more about what she had just witnessed. She trailed after Roxanne and bombarded her with questions.

"So is that the guy who you were texting that one time when you tackled me to get your phone? How do you know him? Is he your boyfriend? Or your husband? Oh my goodness did you two elope and get married young before he got enlisted?! Because I read a book like that not too long ago and-"

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