Chapter 21

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When they arrived at the barracks, Cam and Luke were already there putting evidence together and examining the surrounding area. Roxanne was the one to brief them.

"There have been two bodies found by Luz Durand here today during the elite initiation at the arena, so about ten minutes ago," announced Roxanne, her loud voice echoing around the now empty area, "According to Lucas and Cameron the bodies belong to Joanne Abbot and Daniel Bass. The latter was a Chryoskoni and the female was not. Your task is to split into pairs and find any evidence in the surrounding areas that could be linked to the murders. Those who can assist Cameron and Lucas may do so as well."

Everyone nodded in reply and began their jobs immediately, starting by pulling on a pair of disposable gloves from the box. Eluard pulled out a flashlight, grabbed Jasmine's hand and they began their bit of the search.

"You shouldn't be here," he said sternly.

"Sure I think I bruised a few ribs and got a few cuts but I'm still working fine and-"

"Exactly! You should be in the infirmary getting those treated. What if you get an infection? Or you have some serious internal injuries?"

Jasmine stopped and looked him in the eye.

"You and I both know that that is not why you don't want me here. I am not some frail little damsel in distress Eluard! I can hold my own!"

"I know that but I can't help but worry because I-I."

Jasmine's eyes widened as she looked past him. She hushed him with her hand.

"Hand me the flashlight I see something," she ordered.

Jasmine walked forward with the flashlight until she spotted a book lying on the ground.

She knew that book.

It was hers.

She ran to it ignoring Eluard's warnings and picked it up. It seemed unharmed from the exterior except a few specs of dirt but the moment she opened it, she was enraged.

Painted in a dark red substance were the words:

                                                        Abite iam, zoi aut mortem

"And then a friggin' smiley! Really?!" screamed Jasmine angrily.

Eluard snatched the book from her hands before she could throw it at the wall. As he read it, his eyes widened.

"What does it say?" asked Jasmine.

"I don't know, we'll have to get someone to translate it. Jasmine, where was this book the last time you saw it?" he asked, the torch still raised over the page.

"In Brooke's room with the rest of my stuff. Why?" she asked.

"Jasmine, this means that you either misplaced this or that the killer has access to the dorms and living quarters!"

"That could mean that the killer is getting help from someone inside the Corps," whispered Jasmine.

"Or the killer is someone residing in the Corps..."

They looked at each other with wide eyes before taking action.

"We have to submit this book as evidence," said Eluard as they both started walking back to the scene.

"Wait, will I get it back? Like when they're done with it?" asked Jasmine urgently, jogging to catch up with him.

"Is there something in here that you need? Because I'm sure you could just pull it out when they're done," replied Eluard.

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