Chapter 16

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"Hit it harder! Oh my goodness, Jasmine! You hit like my grandpa.. and he's dead!" yelled Roxanne, leaving Jasmine's ears ringing.

Jasmine had no idea what she had done to deserve such a punishment. As preparation for her upcoming initiation, Jasmine had to undergo physical training. Chryoskoni heritage would not be able to get her through a whole battle against a senior elite let alone another Chryoskoni. Sadly the only trainer available was, the one person with the ability to destroy all prospects for happiness in your life, Roxanne Crimson. Roxanne was currently supervising her at the punching bags and had been yelling in her ear for thirty minutes straight. All in all, Roxanne was an ugly coach.

When the timer on her cellphone went off, Roxanne audibly sighed in relief and began gathering up her stuff.

"That's it for today noodle arms! Tomorrow. Same time. Don't be late," she said as she walked out of the training room.

Jasmine was ready to collapse any minute now. The past hour had been gruesome and every single muscle in her body was screaming in agony. All she wanted to do was take a shower and sleep for days but only one thing stopped her. She hadn't seen Eluard all day and it was silently "eating at her soul". Gathering up her stuff quickly, Jasmine walked out into the busy halls in search for him. When she entered the Elite, Chryoskoni and Research building in the compound, she met Gabriel almost immediately.

"Hey Gabriel! Have you seen Eluard today?" she asked over the loud chatter in the hall.

"Not recently. Last time I saw him was before we went for breakfast, wasn't lookin' too good. I just got a text from him, says he's in sick today," replied Gabriel.

"Do you think he'd mind if I checked in on him," asked Jasmine shyly, her eyes now fixed on the ground.

Gabriel smirked.

"Oh, if it were anyone else he would but since it's you he'd probably welcome you in with open arms. The guy's got a soft spot for you, you know? Anyway his room's the same floor as mine; fifth floor, private residence, room 12."

"Thank you, Gabriel," she smiled as she set off to find Eluard.

"Use protection!" hollered Gabriel with a laugh.

Jasmine walked faster and pretended like she didn't hear him, her cheeks flaring.


She arrived in front of what she guessed was Eluard's room. She found the door slightly but knocked anyways. She knocked once and waited for a moment. No response. She knocked a second time. Still nothing.

'Maybe he isn't here. Wouldn't hurt to check though,' she thought as she quietly opened the door.

"Eluard?" she called out, just above a whisper.

She cautiously followed the sound of what she assumed was soft snoring. The door to the bedroom was wide open. Taking a deep breath, she walked in. The room smelled of citrus scented candles, incense and old books. Random teacups lay on the multiple flat surfaces in the room and paper lay scattered on the floor. She looked over at the bed where she saw a figure laying sprawled out among the mess of sheets. But something was off. She was pretty sure that Eluard didn't have platinum blonde hair.

'Dagnabit! I got the wrong room,' she thought as she turned around and attempted to exit as quietly as possible without getting noticed.

As if the world was just not on her side, she slipped on one of the many papers on the floor and landed on her bottom with a slight yelp and a loud thump.

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